Chapter 36

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After the incident at the school, Zeraphina and Aang went back to the cave and explained the entire situation to the others.

"What did you do, Aang?" Sokka exclaimed, "What are we gonna do now?"

"If you calm down for a second, I can explain how we can get through this." Zeraphina said calmly, "Sokka, Katara, if you're willing, we'll need to give you two a few disguises."

They looked at Zeraphina confused, but then she took a thick blanket and helped Katara get ready in the back of the of the cave. A few minutes later, they both came back with Katara's dress was stuffed with the blanket and her hair was done up like an older woman.

"What the heck happened to my sister?" Sokka asked.

"Just a little bit of a disguise. Trust me, the Fire Nation may be nasty, but they won't shout at a pregnant woman. You know, a possible strong child to fight for the Fire Nation when they grow up and all that."

Zeraphina then grabbed Sokka, a bit of Appa's fur and some of her hair oil to color it. They came back with Sokka having a full beard and mustache combo, making him look just a little bit older.

"There we go, perfect." Zeraphina smiled, "Now, the headmaster already knows me as Aang's, or Kuzon's older sister Mingxia. Just play the part and act like parents and we'll be good to go. Got it?"

"Got it." Katara and Sokka said.


The headmaster of the school sat in front of the disguised group, a large painting of the Fire Lord sitting proudly behind him on the wall, and a serious expression on his face.

"Thank you for coming Mr. and Mrs...."

"Fire! Wang Fire." Sokka said in a deeper tone, "This is my wife, Sapphire."

"Sapphire Fire, nice to meet you." Katara smiled and greeted.

"Mr. and Mrs... Fire." The Headmaster said, "Your son has been enrolled here for two days and he's already causing problems. He's argued with his history teacher, disrupted music class and roughed up my star pupil."

Zeraphina's eyes narrowed at the mention of the boy being a star pupil. The headmaster was very fond of that student.

"I can use that to my advantage." She thought.

"But what about the mission to stay low, Child?" Hakuryu said worriedly.

"Don't worry, my powers being a DragonBorn aren't the only weapons I have. You forget that I know many things about the Fire Nation's past."

Zeraphina chuckled to herself and returned to the converstaion.

"My goodness, that doesn't sound like our Kuzon." Katara said.

"That's what any mother would say, Ma'am." The Headmaster said, "Nonetheless, you're forewarned. If he acts up one more time I'll have him sent to reform school... by which I mean the coal mines. Are we clear?"

"Don't worry, Headmaster, I'll straighten this boy out something fierce." Sokka turned to Aang and started shouting like a father would to his son, "Young man, as soon as we get home, you're gonna get the punishment of a lifetime."

"That's what I like to hear." The Headmaster said then turned to Zeraphina. The girl smiled at the headmaster, but inside she was seething and conducting her plan.

"If you would allow me, Mr. Fire, I would love to speak to your daughter about enrolling here in the school. We have a fine course for young ladies much like her. And given her splendid beauty and grace from today, I can guarantee that she will go far if she takes these classes."

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