Chapter 42

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The night was warm from the summer's day, and the gentle breeze calmed Zeraphina into a blissful sleep. However, her dreams depicted her Dragon, a brave and powerful white dragon that sparkled like the snow in the water tribes. The girl looked up at the dragon with great respect and love, but the dragon looked concerned.

"What's the matter, Hakuryu?" Zeraphina asked.

The dragon sighed and leaned its head down, allowing Zeraphina to hold the tip of their nose in her hands.

"The Avatar of the past has contacted the Avatar you travel with now." The dragon said sadly, "And I too need to tell you things about our past."

"What could you tell me? I'm a DragonBorn, born to carry the powers and soul of a dragon. There's nothing more that I need to know."

"Indeed, there is not very much left for me to teach you, but there is history that you must be made aware of. Avatar Roku is not the only one that is at fault for the beginning of the war. When the Avatar takes you there, I need you to follow my spirit. I will tell you everything that you need to know about me, Roku, and Sozin near the beginning of this terrifying war."

Zeraphina nodded and sat with her dragon until morning came. When everyone woke up, Aang told them about a dream he had. About Roku asking him to come to his home in the Fire Nation to learn everything he needed about the beginning of the war. She did the same, telling everyone about her dream with the dragon, and so, everyone decided to follow Aang as they traveled in their cloud disguise to a barren island with two volcanoes sitting on either side of the island.

"There it is. That's Roku's home." Aang said as they landed. However, there was nothing there. No signs of life anywhere on the island. Everything was ash black.

"But there's nothing here." Katara pointed out. But then, Toph landed hard on the ground, and she could see everything buried deep underground.

"Yes, there is." She said, "And entire village. Hundreds of houses.... All completely buried in ash."

Aang and Zeraphina looked at each other, ready to get started. They found a small place near the edge of the island's peaks and sat down, closing their eyes to focus on themselves and their spirits.

Aang's tattoos shone a soft glow of white, while Zeraphina looked as if she was sleeping. Slowly, she opened her eyes, and saw her dragon standing in front of her, laying down so that the girl may travel alongside them.

"Shall we go?" The dragon asked.

"But where are we going?" Zeraphina asked as she sat on the dragon's back.

"First, you must learn the whole truth of the DragonBorns. Where they came from, and their promise to the physical world. Only then will you understand the reasons behind the decisions of the previous DragonBorn before you."

Zeraphina nodded and the dragon flew off with her on their back. All of a sudden, as they flew, the blank scenery began to change. The white ground turned to clouds and the white sky bled into a shining azure blue. The girl was amazed by the color shining above them as it was slowly covered by the clouds while they descended. Soon, the clouds dispersed, and revealed a sight that could only be described as horrifying.

A forest. A large and once beautiful forest, now burned to the ground. Destroyed like it was nothing but a bother. The dragon landed and Zeraphina slid off its back to look over the terrible devastation.

"What happened here?" She asked.

"This is where it all began." The dragon said, "This forest, is where the first DragonBorn was found and chosen."

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