Chapter 1

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 A stab through the final rebel's neck. His eyes widen before he sinks to the ground, dead. "Zilla, love, are you ok?"

"Better than ever."

I turn around to see Zilla walking towards me, sword in hand. She grabs me by the waist and kisses me quickly, "Come on mi amor. Let us go home." I smile as I take Zilla's hand, and together we walk off back to our horses to return home to Thornwood.

It has been almost a year since I killed my father and rescued Zilla. We decided to call that day our 'anniversary' as it was the first day we could truly be free from the chains of "good and law." In the months that followed, we rebuilt towns, improved harvest, lowered the poverty rate, and even linked up Rosewood and Thornwood. The kingdom has taken Thornwood's name. However, the city of Rosewood still exists. Thornwood is now referred to as the capital, although it is still Thornwood at heart. Our takeover hasn't been all starry skies and full moons, though. A new rebel group surfaced 7 months after the takeover. They call themselves the "Tulips." Ironic that they chose my grandmother's favorite flower and my mom's middle name. They pledge full loyalty to my late father. They have attacked the capital non-stop. Murdering innocents, and burning homes. We have caught most of them. Locking up the ones who need to be locked up, and executing those who need to be executed. However, they are still a thorn in our side to this day. Some people have accepted us now. But there will always be haters.

We enter the castle that has become my home. The castle that represented my escape to happiness for years. As my mind wanders through memories, I stare off into the distance. "Love?" I jump as Zilla's name interrupts my thoughts. She laughs and holds my hand, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. Memories again?" I nod as we walk, "Yeah, but happy ones this time." Zilla smiles knowing those happy memories are about her.

"Your majesties!"

We turn to see Lily speed walking toward us, "Excuse me, my Queens, but are you hungry? Would you like dinner preparations to start?"

"I would love that. Thank you, Lily." I smile at her.

Lily nods, bows, then runs off.

"Just as hard-working as ever." Zilla sighs as we continue walking.

We enter our bedroom, and I immediately flop on the bed. Zilla chuckles, "That tired are we?" I roll over to look at her, "No. Cause putting down four separate riots is not the most exhausting thing in the world." Zilla rolls her eyes and leans over me on the bed, "You know I could make you more tired if I wanted to." I feel all my blood rush to my face as Zilla laughs and walks into the bathroom. I walk over to the mirror on our vanity. My battle outfit is still covered in blood. The corseted top feels secure and comfortable against my skin, along with the form-fitting pants. The belt and skirt flow in the back as I spin around,, looking in the mirror. The jumpsuit was specifically designed for me after the move back to the capital. Zilla has a similar one. I take off my matching cape and hang it up on our rack by the door. As I turn around, Zilla walks out of the bathroom wearing a new blood-red ballgown. "There's a gown waiting for you in there, Ivy. You should change out of the battle clothes for them to be washed."

"Okay, love," I walk into the bathroom and change. I put on the beautiful gown. It has a black corset top with a dark purple skirt. Layered on the skirt is a beautiful black floral lace. I step out of the bathroom after changing.

I'm immediately pinned against the wall by Zilla.

"Aww, is my little moonflower flustered~?" Zilla whispers to me as my brain tries to catch up with what's happening. Zilla leans in closer and hovers over my neck, "I love you, darling..."

"I love you too."

Her breath is warm against my neck. She lightly kisses my neck before we hear the dinner bell ring. Zilla looks at the bell, then back at me, "Looks like dinner is ready, love. Come on, let's go eat." Zilla walks away as I stand there dumbfounded for a second. As soon as I snap back to reality, I run to catch up with Zilla.

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