Chapter 19

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Zilla's View

I close our bedroom door and I look over to the canopy bed. Ivy is dead asleep curled up on her side like usual. She's wearing a short nightgown, so I can see all the injuries littering her arms and legs. My heart hits the floor. I can't imagine what she had to go through at the hands of the Tulips. The very same people who claim to be the good guys. The 'heroes' of this story... torchured my partner relentlessly. I think back to when I first saw her worse injury. Her eye. Or lack thereof. My brain can't erase the image of the bloody gaping hole left behind. That, just like the mental trauma, won't heal. She will always be missing her right eye. She will forever be different.

Just like I am.

I shake away the memories of the numerous torcher sessions I've been victim of in my life.

I walk over to the dresser near the bed. I open up the bottom drawer and dig through the clothes. Finally my hand lands on a latch in the back. I open it and take out a small box. Opening it reveals a silver ring with beautiful leaf ornaments and engravings with a center stone of a dazzling black diamond. I look at Ivy then back at the ring. Sighing I put it back in my hiding place.

First I avenge you, my love.

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