Chapter 8

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Ivy's View

I throw another punch at Victor despite my agonizing pain. Victor doges quickly, "You're resilient aren't you?" To my surprise, he steps back. For the past hour, he has been torturing me. Light cuts and gashes are scattered across my body leaving me in a puddle of blood. I am covered in bruises from him hitting me and attempting to pin me down. I've been fighting back as much as I can despite being chained to a wall. Victor wipes off his blade and sets it back into the chest. "I will need to talk to Ugene about hand restraints. To make my job easier."

At this point, I'm too exhausted to respond. My legs want to give out from under me but I stay standing. I refuse to sit in front of him. Victor closes the chest and walks toward the gate, before he leaves he turns back to me, "Goodnight princess." And away he went.

As soon as I hear the door close I collapse to the floor. My body screams in agony and my head spins. This is going to be worse than I thought. My stomach growls. I doubt they intend to give me food or water. I look around the room. Despite Victor saying goodnight, there is no real way for me to know what time it is or how long I've been here. Please hurry Zilla.

I rest my head against my arm on the bloody floor and close my eyes. I need to conserve my strength.

"Woah Ugene! Are you okay!?" I wake up to Victor yelling upstairs. "I'm fine Victor. Got into a scuffle with Zilla." My heart skips a beat hearing Zilla's name. Is she nearby? How did Ugene get away alive? Did they hurt her? Is Zilla okay? "You did? Did you capture her?"

"No. The crazy witch is powerful. She was getting too close. We managed to knock her out and move her away. She shouldn't be able to find this place for a while."

My heart drops. Zilla was so close. How did they manage to knock her out? Please be okay Zilla. And please hurry.

I feel tears start to fall down my face. I give in to my pain and fears. The cuts on my cheeks burn as my salty tears seep into them. I close my eyes and lean my head back against the wall. My head is pounding, the room is spinning. I look down at my wounds. All have started scabbing over. These types of wounds usually wouldn't scar, however, because of my lack of treatment, there will definitely be forever-lasting marks. I guess Zilla and I might end up even.

As soon as my tears dry up I lean my head against the wall and drift back to sleep.

I jolt awake as I hear the door open. I quickly scramble to my feet just in time for Victor and Ugene to appear behind the gate. "For the love of all that is holy Victor! What the actual hell did you do?!"

"Bloodletting is a common form of medicine."

"For witchcraft?"

"Doesn't hurt to try."

They unlock the gate and walk closer. They stop a few feet away and Ugene opens his mouth, "How are you feeling princess?"

I roll my eyes, "Oh I'm feeling just lovely today. The birds are singing, the flowers are blooming. It's just a wonderful day."

Victor facepalms and Ugene continues, "Are you in pain princess?"

"Are you?" I nod at his bandaged shoulder, "Zilla didn't go down without a fight I see."

Ugene tilts his head, "So part of the spell is telecommunication?"

"No, you fucking dumbass you were practically yelling upstairs."

Seemingly ignoring me he continues, "I guess that explains how close she got so quickly. Princess? Do you know where you are?"

"Yeah... In hell."

"See what I have to deal with?!" Victor yells out, "This is why I need extra restraints!"

I laugh, "Translation, Victor's masculinity is in jeopardy because I can hold him off in chains."

"I still did a number on you."

"I didn't have a weapon."

"Okay, you two." Ugene cuts in, "Victor you need to hold back. We shouldn't be leaving permanent scars. We need our princess intact for when she's healed."

I chuckle as I see Victor's pissed-off face. Ugene sighs and looks to Victor, "Hurry up. If we can't give her food or water while you cure her, you need to finish quickly. Or our princess will dehydrate to death." Victor glares at me, "I'll try my best."

Ugene looks from me to Victor and nods. With that, he swiftly leaves the room.

I turn to Victor, "You hear that? You have to go easy on me."

Victor glares at me, "No. I just can't leave permanent marks." He storms out of the room leaving me alone. As soon as the door closes I sink to a sitting position. My mind races as I try to think of ways to escape. They want something. That's why I am here. But I can't give them what they want. They refuse to believe I actually chose the life I'm living. And that I'm happy with it. It's not like I can change-

My train of thought stops as an idea enters my head. I promised myself that I would never do this again. I would never bend to the will of others. However, it may just give me the upper hand.

I'll pretend. I'll act. I'll make them think I'm cured.

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