Chapter 15

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Ivy's View

A knock at the door causes me to jolt awake. I quickly jump out of bed just in time for the door to open. "Ah I see you washed up princess," Ugene enters the room holding a tray of food and water. He holds it up, "Dinner." He sets the tray down at the table. He sits down and motions towards the other chair, "Come. I figured we can dine together."

I take a deep breath and walk over. Doing my best to hide my disgust, anger, and anxiety, I take a seat. The meal is made up of sandwiches and apple slices. I take a sip of water. "I know the food you are having here doesn't have anything on how royalty should eat. However, we do our best considering our limited supply." He takes a bite of his sandwich. In response I nibble on the apple slices, trying to force my appetite into being. "You are much quieter now princess." Not knowing what to say I take a bigger bite of the apple. Ugene chuckles a bit, "I heard you were a lot quieter before hell broke out. I guess the treatment is bringing you back to that state."

At least I have an excuse to be quiet.

Ugene cocks his head to the side, "What's on your mind princess?"

I finally lock eyes with Ugene. His eyes at first appear caring, and charming. But it doesn't take long for me to feel the coldness coming from him.

I look out the window, "I miss going outside."

Ugene looks out the window for a second, "Outside?"

I nod, "I used to go on walks outside daily."

Ugene's face turns cold, "Then it's good you're inside. No routine from your old life should come back."


"If you're missing that from your old life then that's a good sign we still have some ways to go with treatment."

Ugene takes his food and stands up, "Tomorrow we will start the next phase of treatment. Get a good night's sleep princess."

With a sigh, he leaves the room.

As soon as the door closes I quickly eat the food in front of me.

So much for eating together.

I walk back to the window. The sun begins to set through the trees coloring the sky in oranges and purples. The leaves bow gently to the wind as it passes by. There are no guards in sight. Nothing here but a pane of glass between me and freedom.

Nothing but glass.

I pull away from the window slightly as my brain rushes with new ideas. I run to the closet and quickly sift through the clothes.

There has to be ONE usable dress.


There are no dresses that I could even think of escaping in. Backing up, I run into the mirror. The mirror slowly tilts to the side falling. I grab it just in time to prevent little shards of glass from littering the entire room. Wait. I look in the mirror at my dress. It's light enough. I can probably pin it up and just work with it. I run over to my vanity and sure enough, there are some hair pins and ribbons there. I do my best to tie up my dress so I can at least climb without always tripping. This will have to do.

I take one last look around the room for anything useful before turning to the window. Using a hairpin and all my strength I strike the weakest point of the old and worn-down window. It shatters easily. I use the blanket on the bed to clear the edge of glass then tie it to the bed. Fuck I should've done this first. I move the bed closer to the window. Grabbing the blanket I look down trying to quickly find the safest place to land.

Then I hear the door open behind me.

Without thinking I go to jump out of the window. The blanket swings me back to the wall and I turn just in time to put my feet against the wall. Without looking up I jump down the rest of the way.

I land on my feet and catch myself with my hands. I stand up then-

I feel something around my neck.

Taken by surprise I do my best to fight back.

The rope tightens around my neck and my strength fades quickly.

My vision blurs and goes in and out. The last thing I see is Ugene leaning out the window.

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