Chapter 11

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Zilla's View

The sun begins to set as I travel through the woods back to the main road. Sometimes running, sometimes walking. Always wondering how close am I to having Ivy back. The cramping in my stomach growls leaving me in excruciating pain. How am I this hungry after only a day? I ignore the pain and lightheadedness and keep going. I hear the water of the river in the distance. My throat burns with a longing for fresh water however I know it's not safe to drink.

Hours pass by as I jump over roots and duck under branches. I use my internal compass to keep on track, traveling in a straight-ish line. My eyesight becomes blurrier and I start to lose strength. I walk slower, trip over more roots, and run into more trees. I look up through the trees and see the moon just past mid-sky. I have been traveling for over 12 hours now. That must be why I'm so tired. Haven't I traveled for way longer without incident?

Maybe I'm still weak from waking up?

Maybe I was on an adrenaline rush earlier and it's worn off?

Eventually, I stumble to a stop. I sigh knowing I have to take a break. I sit down with my back leaning against the tree and tell myself to relax. I close my eyes and take a few breaths.

"Your majesty?!"

I bolt awake to a familiar voice. Two girls with long black hair and blue eyes run toward me. By the time they reach me, I recognize them. "Luna? Celeste? What are you two doing here?" They both kneel next to me. "We came looking for you. I thought I saw something through the tree line." Luna helps me up. Celeste nods in agreement, "We feared the worst. Especially when we found Moonlight alone."

"You found her?"

"Yes, she's right there." Luna points left of me and I see the three horses and the main road. "Wait a second..." I look back to the twins, "Why on earth would you be this panicked over a day?"

The twins fall silent.


They look at each other.

"What is it?"

Luna looks at me, "Your majesty... It's been days."

My heart drops, "... days...?"

"3 to be exact," Celest adds.

My breath catches in my throat as I begin to process what was just said. 3 days. I was out for days. Was that why I was feeling how I was?

Celest takes a tiny step forward, "What happened your majesty?"

I tell them what happened from the moment I left the capitol gates.

Luna practically yells, "You haven't drunk or eaten in 3 days?! Come on, you need food!" Luna takes my hand and Celeste takes my other as they lead me to the horses. I sit against another tree as I scarf down bread and water. "You said the blond guy said you were close?" Luna asks handing me more water.


"Do you remember where you were?"

I nod, "I can get us back there."

I down the water and get to my feet, "Let's go."

Celest stands quickly, "Are you sure you're fit to travel your majesty?"

I shake my head, "I have no choice, I'll be fine. And you guys can just call me Zilla."

They both laugh.


Luna looks at me, "That's pretty much what Ivy always said when we traveled with her." I smile, "Of course."

I hop on Moonlight and the twins hop on their horses.

I'm so sorry Ivy. Hang in there. We're coming.

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