Chapter 12

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Ivy's View

"Victor she's not waking up!"

"I see that but she is breathing!"

My head pounds and I groan as I wake up and try to push myself up from the floor. They both spin around to stare at me.

"See! I told you she's fine!"

Ugene glares at Victor, "And you will meet me upstairs after this!"

I lean against the wall waiting for my brain to catch up with the current moment. Ugene kneels down in front of me, "Are you, alright princess?" I blink a few times trying to clear the head fog.

Ugene cocks his head to the side and feels my forehead with his hand, "She has a fever."

Victor scoffs, "Good for her."

"Victor upstairs! Now!"

Victor storms off leaving me alone with Ugene. "Do you feel ill princess?"

I blink a few more times, this might be a good thing. I slowly nod. Ugene grabs a bag and hands it to me, "Here. Eat. I'll be back soon." Ugene walks upstairs and I hold my breath hoping I can get out of this torcher chamber.

Soon enough Ugene walks back down the stairs. I finished the food and am fidgeting with the bag. "Stand up princess." As I stand up I spot chains in his hand. Ugene chuckles, "Don't worry princess. This-" he jingles the chains, "Is just a precaution. Hold out your hands." Despite what my brain tells me, I hold my hands in front of me. This better get me out of here. Ugene walks up to me and locks my hands into handcuffs with a longer chain than usual. He takes a key off his belt and unlocks the shackles chaining my feet to the wall. He takes hold of the handcuffs, "Come now princess, we have an extra room upstairs you can stay in for now."

Fuck yeah. Mission successful.

Ugene leads me up the stairs. Right as we reach the door Ugene looks back at me, "I told everyone to give you space. So no one should be on the other side of this door. If there is don't pay them any mind." I nod and Ugene unlocks the door. As soon as light hits my eyes I wince. My head immediately pounds as my eyes attempt to adjust to the light. Ugene glances at me confused at first, then his face changes, "Oh yeah. I didn't think about the light change. Apologies Princess." I force my eyes open and take in my surroundings. The room seems like a center room of the house or a large hallway. There are 2 doorways on either side and one more ahead to the left a bit. The walls are stone and the wooden floor creaks as we walk over it. Torches light the walls and light pours out of the neighboring rooms. I hear voices from beyond the walls that I can barely make out. Ugene leads me up a flight of stairs through the doorway straight ahead. We emerge in a hallway. The wooden walls are warped and banged up and the floor creaks as we walk over it. We walk along the hallway as it turns to the left. We reach a door at the end of the hall and Ugene unlocks it. He opens the door and leads me inside.

The room has one big window in the center lighting up the entire room. There is a bed in the corner and a vanity in the opposite corner with a crap ton of hair and beauty products. Next to that, there is a closet without a door. The door frame itself is beat up and scratched. I look over to Ugene. "I know, I know. You're welcome." I internally cringe. "It is not quite princess status but it's enough to start the next stage of recovery." He smiles at me and chills shoot down my spine. He leads me to the middle of the room where a chain is connected to the floor. He crouches down and chains my ankle to the floor. He then uncuffs my hands. He sighs, "I know you must feel awful right now with you being sick and all, so I'll leave you be. There are dresses for you to change into in the closet so you can get out of that dreadful outfit. Get comfortable and feel better my princess." He bows and walks out of the room. I hear the lock click.

I stand there for a few minutes just looking around. There is a bedside table next to the bed and a small table with two chairs by the door. Finally, my eyes land on the closet. I walk over and look through the dresses. They are all different shades of pink and light blue. These remind me of the dresses I gave away after killing my father.

I look down at my torn and disgusting clothes.

I don't want to change.

I grab hold of a piece of fabric hanging off the garment. Just as I have been doing every night to feel closer to Zilla. I just stand there for who knows how long before I see a large bucket of water next to the closet. A washcloth is folded neatly next to it. I put my hand in the water. It's warm. I spot a damp piece of parchment next to the bucket and quickly read it.

Feel free to wash up.

I sigh. I have to play along, and a good wash sounds nice right now. Going slowly as to not irritate my injuries, I undress and begin to wash my hair and body. My skin tingles and I feel the warm water on my skin. I take my time and savor the calming sensation of the water.

I slowly pat myself dry with the washcloth, careful to not irritate my cuts and bruises. I pick out the most comfortable dress I can find and get dressed. Picking up my old clothes, I rip off the piece of fabric I have been clinging to and stuff it into my bodice.

To keep her close to me.

I look at myself in the mirror. I'm wearing a light blue dress with a sweetheart neckline and off-the-shoulder short sleeves. The long skirt has multiple tule drapes and ruffles added on top. My hair is still wet as I braid it up to keep it contained. Shaking myself out of my brain fog, I start investigating the room.


There's nothing here except clothes.

I sink in the middle of the room. Sitting on the floor holding my head, I feel a few tears roll down my cheeks. I tightly grasp my hair in my hands, slightly pulling. My mind races with memories and images of Zilla and my kingdom. All the good times. All the celebrations.

All the friendly interactions and conversations.

All the laughs and smiles.

I need to get back to my Queen and my kingdom.

These rebels vow loyalty to a dead sack of flesh who manipulated and abused all around it. A monster who let people starve and freeze in the town, and took all the wealth and power for itself.

It wasn't human.

They refuse to see the improvements made since our takeover.

They refuse to see all the good we have done for these two kingdoms. They live every day in their delusion. For the sake of so call purity.

They are all sick.

They are all beyond saving...

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