Chapter 6

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 After what feels like hours I hear the door open again. Ignoring my agonizing pain I get to my feet quickly. Ugene appears at the bottom of the stairs with another rebel. This one has strawberry blond hair, green eyes, and a tanish skin tone. As he comes closer I can see his tall muscular frame. They both step through the gate and lock it behind them. Ugene steps forward, "This is my specialist, Victor Wraith. He's here to cure you." I roll my eyes at the cursed word. Victor steps forward and does a slight bow, "Princess, I'm sure you are very confused due to the current situation. But don't fret princess, I am good at what I do."

"What? Be batshit crazy? I agree. You're good at it."

Victor looks taken aback for a second and looks over to Ugene, "So this is what you meant." Ugene nods, "Yes unfortunately I was unable to break through to the real Ivy. Zilla's got her pretty good."

I'm literally going to puke.

"She doesn't even speak proper."

"I assume Zilla takes enjoyment in Ivy embarrassing herself.

I facepalm before straightening myself, "You both speak as if I am not here and listening to all this bullshit."

They again look at me in shock.

Ugene nods to Victor, "I will leave her in your care. I understand you may need to use some extreme measures. But please hurt her as little as possible. She still needs to rule when cured." My heart drops. Victor nods back, "I will try my best Ugene." Ugene looks back to me, "I pray for your speedy recovery princess" and then exits the room.

I am utterly screwed. I turn to Victor before he can do anything, "You lay even a finger on me I will personally saw parts of your body off slowly one by one."

Victor chuckles, "I admire the passion, Princess. However, you will do no such thing."

"You do not order me around. I am your Queen! Let me go."

Victor chuckles, "Princess Ivy. I will now begin the curing process." He walks forward slowly. The air feels stiffer and the room chills. This scene doesn't resemble a hero fighting to save a victim. This isn't a medic desperately trying to save a patient. This is a person trying to manipulate someone to fit their narrative. This is a person so lost in their delusions they are willing to make radical decisions to get their way—someone who can't accept the truth. I brace myself as he walks towards me. "I am warning you. Don't come any closer!"

Victor chuckles, "You can't do anything to me, princess." Eventually, he gets so close I could easily punch him hard. I bite my tongue and stay patient for an opportunity. Victor's gaze falls onto my cheek, "That'll scar. You put up quite a fight didn't you."

He reaches toward my face and leans in. Before he can do anything I throw a punch and sock him right in the face.

Victor yelps as he falls backward onto the floor, hitting his head. After a few seconds, he sits up rubbing his head, "I was just looking at the cut, princess."

"I warned you," I spit at him, "I don't need your help or fake medicine. I can treat it just fine on my own thank you." He snarls as he gets to his feet, "I am trying to help you. To free you from this witch! She has warped your mind!"

"You know nothing about the warping of minds! My father was the master at it. He sat by while villages starved under his watch. He treated all the servants in the castle like animals. He treated me like a doll. A plaything to sell off for personal gain. He murdered my own mother! His wife and your Queen! He was no god. He was not fit to be king. You pledge loyalty to a corpse rotting in a shitty grave. My only escape from my constant torment was through Zilla. I ran away with her willingly. I am the one who overthrew my father and took the thrown. I did it all on my own. Then I rescued her. Just like she will rescue me. And Zilla and I will rain hell upon you all."

"Spare the speech princess." Victor has now thrown away his facade of empathy and care. In its place is pure rage and disgust, "Whether you or I believe you are under the control of Zilla is neither here nor there. You need to know your place princess."

"Seems hypocritical coming from you."

Victor's face darkens even more, "I will enjoy doing my job." He turns to the chest in the room and unlocks it with a key. He picks up a small dagger and starts walking toward me.

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