Chapter 4

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Zilla's View

"YOUR MAJESTY!!!" My blood runs cold hearing the knight's screams. I run into the hall to see three guards covered in blood and dirt. I run up to them, "What happened?! Where's Ivy!"

"They- They got her my Queen! They took Ivy!"

"WHAT?!" My heart stops as I hear the news, "Stay right here!"

I run into my room, quickly change into my battle outfit, and run back into the hall, "Take me there."

I arrive at the scene and I jump off my horse. I look in horror at the scene. At least 20 guards' bodies are lying everywhere. I walk further into the middle of the riot zone. I scan the ground looking for a specific small item. "There it is," I mumble seeing the small leaf pendant I gave Ivy to use in emergencies. I told her to just throw it on the ground and I will know something went wrong and she need me to rescue her. Ivy has gotten herself out of some pretty close calls. My mind races with what could've happened. I stand up and look back at the guards, "Was she injured?"

The guards look towards each other and then back at me. The middle one steps forward, "She had a nasty gash on her cheek. Other than that she seemed to be fine. Queen Ivy got jumped but at least 5 rebels. They pinned her down."

"So they took her alive?"

"Yes, my queen."

I sigh and look down at the pendant in my hand, "Looks like it's my turn to save you, Ivy..."

I look up to the guards, "You three take time off until you have healed and are mentally well enough to fight again. Tell the other guards to not let any more riots happen in the capitol while I'm gone. I'll put Lily in charge of the basic running of things until I return. If a riot breaks out, kill them all."

The knights nod and head back to the castle. I stay behind to search the scene for clues.

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