Chapter 3

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 The next morning after breakfast, Zilla and I head into the library. "So love," Zilla says as we sit down, "What's on our to-do list today?"

"Well, our anniversary is coming up."

Zilla looks shocked for a moment. She sighs and shakes her head, "This year has gone by so fast."

"Time flies by when you're having fun."

Zilla laughs at me using the saying she used to tell me all the time. I smile, "So what are we thinking about doing?"

Zilla starts pacing around the room, "Wouldn't it be fun to do a masquerade?"

I laugh, "You mean the same party I crashed to save you and kill my father?"

"I mean it would be funny. And I know you like Masquerades."

I smile at Zilla, "I like that idea."

"Perfect! I'll help Lily and the other maids plan it."

"What about me?"

"I want the details to be a surprise!"

"Are you sure you can handle that on top of everything?"

Zilla leans forward and cups my chin, "Anything to treat my little moonflower."

Later in the day, I sit alone, reading in the library when Zilla walks in. "Love? There's a small riot at the front of the capitol, do you mind helping out the guards there? Everyone is busy right now." I close the book and hop up, "Of course! I'll head right out."

I quickly change in the bedroom, mount Midnight, and ride off the capitol entrance.

As I pull up to the riot I hop off Midnight who, as trained, runs away to safety. I unsheath my sword and start walking toward the battle. My guards are fighting valiantly against the rebels who have set fires as city folk runs further into the capitol to escape. "Your Majesty!" I turn and see a head guard smiling and waving, "Thank god you're here. These fuckers refuse to give up." I chuckle, "You're very welcome. Let's stomp this out shall we."

I look forward still walking. A rebel charges at me swinging their sword down to strike. I quickly deflect the attack to the side and drive my sword through their stomach. I pull out my sword and keep walking. Another rebel charges, I twirl around their attack and swing my blade down diagonally leaving a nasty gash on their chest. They fall as I keep walking and another rebel attacks. They come at me from an angle and I step back to avoid their attack. I thrust my sword forward but they dance to the side just in time. However, they aren't quick enough to dodge my next horizontal blow which causes them to collapse. Once I straighten myself two more charges at me at thrust their swords forward. I step to the side, twirl around, and decapitate both with one clean blow. I spin around covered in blood. A lone rebel attacks me with a diagonal strike that I deflect upward. I then bring my sword down slashing down their face.

I pull out my sword and continue walking forward. A rebel in a different uniform charges at me thrusting his sword forward. I quickly doge as they go for another horizontal attack which I dodge by spinning around him. I attempt to land a diagonal strike coming out of the spin but the rebel doges just in time. We both swing our swords at the same time resulting in a clash. Our eyes meet and I take in his features for the first time. His short blond hair is a mess. His pale skin is completely covered in blood and dirt. I look into his pale blue eyes as he speaks, "Long live the king!"

"I don't think you can live long when you're dead."

The rebel snarls and I break the clash by pushing him back. I barely land a diagonal blow leaving a gash in his left upper arm. He yelps and steps back. He takes no more than half a millisecond to recover before stepping diagonally to my side and swinging his sword. I twirl around and swing down but he jumps out of the way. I straighten myself and last second see a second rebel lunging at me with his sword.

I jump back however he still lands a blow, leaving a deep cut on my right cheek. I suck in air through my teeth as a sharp pain pulses through my body. The second rebel swings horizontally as the blond one thrusts forward. I duck under the attacks and swing my sword cutting into their legs. As I finish the swing I spin back and stand up. The second rebel attacks me with a diagonal swing. I step forward quickly dodging it but then the blond lunges forward and I deflect his attack.

I spin around and step back to see 3 more rebels charging me. I grab a leaf pendant hanging off of my belt and throw it to the side. One of them charges and hits my sword perfectly knocking it out of my hand. I attempt to escape but multiple rebels grab and pin me to the ground. "REMEMBER DON'T KILL HER!" I hear the blond yell as they pull me up to my knees. I attempt to fight back but there are too many holding me down. I look around quickly to see only three of my guards remain alive. I yell at them as they start running towards me, "NO! Leave me! Get Zilla!" They hesitate but then I holler again, "THAT'S AN ORDER!" Reluctantly they run in the opposite direction towards the castle.

The blond rebel walks up and kneels down in front of me smirking, "You are one tough princess to catch."

"That's Queen to you fucker."

"No no. Princess. That is your title. She really has done a number on you hasn't she?"

He reaches out and cups my chin, "We'll cure you, princess. Don't you worry."

I quickly pull my head back and bite down as hard as I can on his hand.

His eyes widen as he screams out, "FUCK. GET HER OFF ME!!" All the rebels slam the hilts of their sword into my head causing me to let go in shock. The blond scowls, "Knock her out."

I take a deep breath as a sharp pain hits the side of my head.

Then black.

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