Chapter 16

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Zilla's View

I suddenly feel a pit in my stomach right before I hop on Moonlight. "Your majesty?" Celest places a hand on my shoulder. "I'm okay..." I mumble shrugging her off and jumping on Moonlight, "We have to hurry." Luna jumps on her horse, "Is something wrong?" I nod, "I have a horrible feeling we have to hurry!" We take off down the trail galloping through the trees, doing our best to not hit the branches. I feel my heartbeat in my throat and my breathing becomes heavier. We're almost there. Almost there. Whatever is happening please let us get there in time.

Minutes pass and the trees start to break up. The trail is more of a path now and the roots cease to cause problems. I yell behind me to Luna and Celeste, "We are going to charge straight in. You guys handle the guards, I'll find Ivy." I hear both yell back, "Yes your majesty!"

"Draw your weapons!"

I take one hand off the reigns and draw my sword. I grasp the black engraved hilt and the crimson blade glistens in the sunlight. Time to save Ivy.

We bust through the tree line and see an old run-down house.

"GO!" I yell. Screams come from the house and as we get closer to the house rebels pour out. We hop off our horses and they run into the woods as trained. The twins charge forward and start taking out the guards. Two rebels charge straight at me swords drawn. I step to the side and spin around to drive my blade through one of them. The other swings at me which I deflect before slitting their throat. I turn around and keep running towards the door. Another rebel charges but a slash later they fall to the ground. Two more charges. One arrives before the other. I drive my sword through the stomach of the first one then use it as a shield for the second's attack. The second rebel's eyes widen and they scream before I shove the body into them. They fall to the ground and I stomp on their neck before making it through the front door.

I spin around and bar the door. Loud bangs echo through the house as they try to break it down. I quickly survey the area. I don't see any rebels. I first enter a rundown door on the left. Old stairs are heading downstairs and a metal gate leads into the room. Once I run down the stairs I gasp.

Blood. Both old and fresh, splattered all over the rock walls and floor. I break down the gate and search the room. All I find is a chest. I open it up to see all kinds of weapons and tools. My heart drops.

They tortured her...

A fresh wave of pure rage washes over me. I run up the stairs and search the rest of the first floor. Nothing.

I run up the stairs. My heart feels like it's pounding out of my chest and my hands start to shake. However, I take a deep breath, steady my nerves, and turn the corner. I almost run into a rebel before I slash their neck. As they drop to the floor I look around the hall. I see light coming from a room all the way down on the left. I sprint down the hall and charge into the room.

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