Chapter 5

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Ivy's View

My head pounds as I struggle to open my eyes. My entire body aches and I am still covered in blood and dirt. I look around my room. It's clearly a modified basement. There is an iron gate in front of stairs leading upstairs and a chest in the far corner by the stairs. Other than that the room is empty. A small stench of mildew hits my nose as I try to stand up. My legs shake and I fall as they give out from under me. I'm too weak right now. I should rest. I sit up and look at the shackles chaining me to the wall. There is one big one around my waist and two connecting my ankles to the wall. There are no windows in here. I'm going to go fucking insane in here, aren't I? As I'm surveying the chain's strength I hear a door open. I look up to see light appear and disappear at the bottom of the stairs. Fuck being weak, I'm standing up. I manage to get to my feet just as the blond rebel from before opens the gate. "Morning princess," He says locking the gate behind him. I glare at him, trying to spy any body language that hints towards his next move. He walks a few steps forward, "My name is Ugene Merryweather. I-"

"You're Tristin's kid."

Tristin Merryweather was the old leader of the Tulips before I cut his head off in a riot. He screamed for someone named Ugene to run but I never saw them.

Ugene hesitates before answering, "Yes. I am the new leader of the Tulips after my father was killed."

"He died pretty fucking easily. His head just popped off. Like he wanted his head thrown."

His eyes widen for a split second and I see him ball his hands up in a fist, "You were the one who killed him?"

"Yes, I was. You're welcome."

Ugene blinks a few times and takes a deep breath. Keeping his composure he continues, "Are you aware of Tulip's goal?"

"To overthrow Zilla and me. Which doesn't make any sense. What do you expect to do when we're gone? Put a corpse on the thrown?"

He shakes his head, "Well you're half right, princess."

He walks closer to me, "Our goal, princess, is to overthrow Zilla."

"How in the ever-loving fuck do you expect to overthrow Zilla but not me?"

"You can't overthrow someone who isn't in control, princess."

I stare at him blankly with a how many mushrooms are you on type of look.

Ugene chuckles, "We know Zilla has cast some sort of spell on you. She has warped your brain. You are brainwashed. But it's okay princess. We'll find a way to cure you."

My mouth falls open in shock. After a second of processing, I finally find words, "Are you guys that fucking stubborn? You refuse to believe that maybe this is what I fucking wanted. I have explained the entire situation so many fucking times to the public. I wasn't kidnapped. I ran away willingly. Zilla and I run this kingdom together. Get that through your dense fucking heads."

Ugene sighs and shakes his head, "She can even control you while separated. Part of me was hoping the effects would ware off once far enough away."

He walks up to me and cups my chin again. I immediately shove him away. "Don't you fucking dare touch me!" I yell as he falls to the ground, "I am your Queen! And when I get out of here I will bury your head right next to your father's!" He picks himself up off the floor, "Things are worse than I thought. I'll be back down. I need to meet with my specialists." With that Ugene walks through the gate, locks it, then smiles at me, "Your father loved you, so it is our duty to save you as his loyal servants." I nearly puke at that last comment as he walks upstairs. Loved you, yeah fucking right. I slump back down as I start to realize the situation I'm in. I've been kidnapped by the leader of the Tulips. Who is batshit crazy. I'm fucking dead. I close my eyes and try to mentally prepare myself for the mental and physical torture I will no doubt be subjected to.

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