Chapter 7

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Zilla's View

I'm galloping through the forest on Moonlight. Her saddlebag is packed with supplies to keep me alive and I am carrying my sword and bow on me. After an hour of asking witnesses and investigating, I found the general direction the rebels went. How far out have they gotten? After what feels like an hour I slow down. I survey the surrounding area trying to find a single clue as to where they could've taken Ivy. From what the guards told me, one yelled not to kill Ivy. I can only hope they intend to use her as collateral instead of killing her to try to overthrow us. Please don't let her go through what I went through. Please let her return into my arms alive and well.

Suddenly something wizzes by my head. Moonlight rears in shock but I quickly calm her down. Looking to my left I see an arrow embedded into the tree. "You were fast." I quickly look over and see a Tulip rebel with his bow drawn. He has messy blond hair and blue eyes. His uniform appears different from the others, but still clearly a Tulip. I hop off Moonlight and draw my sword, "Tell me where Ivy is. Right now."

"Trying to save your puppet?"

"My puppet...?"

"Oh don't play dumb now Zilla."

"That's 'my Queen' to you."

The rebel chuckles, "That just proves my point. You two use the same phrases."

"I'm not fucking around. Tell me where Ivy is."

"Tell me how to break the spell?"

"Spell? What is this? A stupid fucking storybook?"

"We know you are controlling Ivy. Why else would she murder her own father?"

"She made that decision on her own. I even told her not to. I told her to leave me be. Ivy predictably didn't listen to me."

"You don't expect me to believe that bullshit do you?"

"Who the fuck even are you?"

The blond sighs and aims his bow at me, "I don't have time for this. Tell me how to break the spell. Or maybe I'll just kill you and hope that does the trick."

I don't have time to reach for my bow. I'm stuck with my sword.

"Let Ivy go. If I have to find her and release her myself, there will be no mercy."

The blond's face doesn't react at all, "Then you leave me no choice."

He releases the arrow.

Without thinking I swing my sword. I can't die. Not yet. Not until I know Ivy is safe.


The blond and I both look in shock as the arrow cuts in two and falls to the ground. I quickly catch myself and hide my shock. Before the blond can recover I lunge at him. I land one good hit in his left shoulder. He yells out, throws his bow to the side, and draws his sword. However, before I can go for another attack I feel a sharp pain in the neck.

I yelp and fall to the ground, dropping my sword. My head spins and my eyesight blurs. I see a different rebel with brownish-black hair step over me and approach the blond, "Are you okay Ugene?"

"I'm fine."

"Were you able to get anything out of her?"

"No. She's stubborn. I guess she funnels it into Ivy 'cause she's been a pain in my ass."

That's my moonflower.

"Well, what should we do with Zilla?"

Ugene walks towards me and stops about a foot away. I try my best to move but I can't do more than twitch.

"Bring her away. She's getting too close to headquarters."

"What about getting the cure?"

"I trust Victor. Hopefully, the experimentation will go well and we can find it independently. Besides, I want a public execution for her."

"You got it, boss."

Ugene kneels down in front of me, "I will cure Ivy." Then he hits me in the head with the pommel of his sword.

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