Chapter 9

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Zilla's View

I groan as I push myself up. I open my eyes and look around. I'm lying in a tiny clearing in the middle of the woods. My head spins as the grogginess leaves my head. "The fuck-?" I cut myself off as I remembered what happened. I check and find I still have my bow on me. Where the fuck am I?

I don't recognize this part of the forest. Which must mean this is an area I usually don't visit. "Moonlight?" I call out, hoping my beloved horse is nearby. Nothing. "MOONLIGHT?!!" I scream this time. But nothing. I look around the ground. I spot my sword lying a few feet away. I crawl over, grab my sword, and stand up. I am alone in a random part of the forest with only my bow and sword.

I stand there for minutes on end. Spinning in a circle, trying to figure out what to do. Eventually, I start walking in a random direction. Please let this be the way back to the main road. I swing my sword around in a circle by my side trying to push some of my anxiety into it. I try to pace myself, however, I can't help but almost run through the woods. The air is cold as the sun begins to set. The humidity is thick and thickens as I run. I struggle to take deep breaths as I dodge through trees, roots, vines, and rocks. Eventually, I break through the tree line.

"Oh fuck me..." I mutter to myself as I take in my surroundings. I gaze out upon the sand and watch as the waves crash against the shore. I slowly walk forward, trying to recognize what part of the beach I am at. I look to my right and see a river flowing into the sea in the distance. Further past the river I see a dock and outpost tower. Rosewood Docks. I spin around and look to the left. Nothing but sand and water.

I let myself sit in the sand while I think. I am about 2 days away from the Capitol. I was going as fast as I can on adrenaline to the right of the Capitol entrance. I'm on the left side.

My mind spins as I think about all her captors can do in the time it will take me to travel back to where I was. I flashback to the last things I heard before blacking out:

"She's getting too close to headquarters anyways."

I was close. Soon, Ivy will be back in my arms. Back by my side as we chop the heads off of those animals.

I'm never sending her out by herself ever again.

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