(10.1) We Meet Again

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"What about this one?" Flare asked, pointing at a poster on the bulletin board. It contained a quest to protect a carriage from this village to another village.

Y/N turned to Noel for some opinion. "I guess that one's fine for this newbie group. We wouldn't want any accidents happening in your first quest."

"Then, it's settled!"

Kanata clapped her hands and grabbed the poster off the bulletin board in a snap and ran to the desk. Y/N and the others followed after.

In front of them was a girl with short brown hair that perfectly rested on the top of her shoulders. There were red/pink markings on her face which, to Y/N, looked 'cool.'

"Good morning, adventurers! What may I do for you today?" She bowed with her hands kept on her waist. She had a soft voice with an upbeat tone.

"Morning, Azki-san!" Noel returned the sentiment and stepped forward as Kanata handed her the poster.

"We want to take this quest."

The girl behind the desk, Azki's mouth hung slightly open as the poster was presented on the top of the counter.

Y/N raised his eyebrow. "What? Is there something wrong?"

Azki shook her head with a smile. "Nothing's the matter, Mr. Adventurer. It's just that this is a request from my village."

Oh. I thought guild people were born in the kingdom and grew up in the kingdom, so this was a surprise.

"I see. Well, would it be alright to take this quest?"

"Even after seeing the amount of reward? Is it not too small for your liking, Mr. Adventurer?" Azki asked. She was certain no one would accept this quest with a measly reward so seeing 5 adventurers in front of her with the intention of taking the quest, it made her heart warm.

"No Hols are too small for food!"

"What she said."

Azki sighed with a smile. There's no need for further questions, it is their choice after all. "Alright then, let me punch this in for you four."

She bent down and grabbed a stamp which had the insignia of the guild and pressed it on the paper. The paper glowed and was transferred to our mind, it was imprinted as if it was a system.

"I will keep this. If you have successfully managed to deliver the cart, this paper and the quest in your heads should disappear."

"Thank you, Azki-san! We'll see you around."

Just like that, Y/N and the girls head off to the meeting place written on the poster. It was a short journey thanks to their endurance and agility.

They arrived at an open area, near the gate. They spotted a cart near the stacked logs and approached it, where they found an old man holding onto a rope that stabilized the horse. (Idk what they're called.. forgivevme).

"Are you Hanzo?" Y/N asked as they got nearer the old man.

"A-ahh.. Hanzo.." The old man scratched his head, "Yes. That is me.. Hanzo."

"Great!" Kanata clapped her hands. She really likes clapping her hands. "You see, we're adventurers that accepted your quest!"

Hanzo's eyes widened, in slow motion. "R-really? Ahh.. Thank goodness.. The kids at the village.. They're waiting for me."

"Would you be kind enough to lead us to your village, Hanzo-san?" Flare bent down to his height. Her eyes were soft as her gaze focused on the old man. Despite being an elf with a little dislike for Hymans, she's kind.

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