(11) Peek Me

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"Gerald, cease the attack at once!"

Her voice boomed, jumping out of a merchant's wagon. She had her broadsword but her hair was slightly longer than before, indicating that this must've been months ago.

The big, burly man, Gerald grinned at the sight. He had just taken the merchant hostage, with his men surrounding the wagon.

"Don't act so rash now, Noel," He threatened, holding his sword against the merchant's throat.

"One wrong move and he's dead."

Noel clicked her tongue. He had the advantage with all the planning he did, but it didn't last for long.


Light blinded their eyes and Noel took the opportunity to dishandle Gerald and take the hostage away.

Her teammate was hidden inside. They concucted a plan before heading out into danger.

This is why Noel was under the Kingdom's Order, she acts as if she came unprepared but in fact, she had all the backups she needed to take hold of situations.

"F, Fran?" Gerald wiped the chip of blood from his upper lip when Noel punched him away.

"You have a crude way of apprehending criminals. It'll be wasted here," He grumbled, loud enough for her to hear.

"Wasted? You're wrong."

Noel held her broadsword handle, planting it on the ground, "Serving citizens is a lifetime blessing!"

"Your talent is wasted. O' poorly wasted. Your soul will be forgiven, Noel," He reached out his hand, "The [One] will forgive you and shower you with love as you repent. You have more uses with us than with these sinful hymans."

"Why don't you join us, Shirogane Noel?"

After that, both Y/N and Noel were separated from each other. The former was placed in another non-occupied room whilst Noel rested at Flare's.

Her head throbbed in pain as her eyes flew open. She held her head, wondering what just happened - her finally remembering the interaction with Gerald, was it a premonition? Confusion danced in her system as she sat up from the comfort of Flare's surprisingly pink-coveted bed.

Searching a glimpse for her party members recognizable hairs, she sighed when she saw she was completely alone in the bedroom.

It took quite some strength but she managed to stand on her feet and began examining the room she was in. Peach cream painted walls, surprisingly, everything seemed to be decorated by a girl no matter how you looked at it.

As a knight under the Kingdom's Order, snooping around was unsightly and held in high disregard. Yet, she found herself curious of who owned this room. It was her first time seeing such neatly and orderly decorated furniture.

That's when she stumbled upon a picture framed in dark wood: a family of dark elves with one particularly familiar blazing blonde hair and strong brown orbs. All of the other elves gathered together and huddled up but she was the only one far away from the group, clutching a small string from a weapon behind her resembling a bow, in her hand. She had a massive frown on her face with crossed eyebrows as she stood upright.

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