(10.2) We Meet Again

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The man pouted, "Are you that surprised, Mr. Y/N? You didn't want to see me?"

"Abso-fucking-lutely not! Why would I want to see a sick bastard who tried to kill me?!" You retorted, grabbing the dagger behind you that was strapped with a sheathe.

"Aw, you remember--" He leaped from his position and threw a punch, "--me! That's so sweet!"

You duck and swept his legs off balance, then quickly repositioned yourself away from Gerald.

"Aww, you dodged it. You should've just stayed still and let me do my job." He pouted, acting like some school girl-NOT!

"Bastard." You seethed in annoyance.

In a blink, his face closed in on you and assaulted you with a barrage of full-forced punches.

Sweat coated your face when it finally broke off when you attempted to attack his stomach by grazing your dagger but he was quick to notice and knocked you away.

"Hmm? Did you train, Mr. Y/N?" Gerald skepticised as his head tilted to the side.

Your lips tugged into a smirk, "Did you step down from the high horse? You've gotten weak, Mr. Mercenary."

"Ha! Me? The strongest mercenary? Getting weak?" His wide smile dimmed to a huge frown, "You're spewing nonsense, Y/N."

Did I hit the nerve?

Your smirk grew wider as you crossed your arms together. "Am I? Don't tell me you're distracting me to regain your strength? Didn't expect Mr. Almighty Mercenary to get exhausted so fast!"

Actually, you were the one exhausted. His attacks were too powerful for you to handle currently, and one more barrage and you won't survive this assault.

If annoying him means you can live another day, you'll become the most annoying person in Arleth for whole of eternity.

But you'll soon realize you miscalculated one part.

"What's wrong, Mr. Mercenary?" You taunted, still breathing heavily, "Where'd all that big talk go? Oh, don't tell me you're actually a little girl inside?"

"You bastard! You're gonna regret saying that! The [One] personally gifted me this magnificent power to destroy all that stands in the way of the revival of the great demon king Junos!"

Your eyebrows huddled together at the mention of the unfamiliar definitions. Who is Gerald referring to when he spoke of the [One]? The revival of the demon king!? They must be insane.

His crazed laugh resonated throughout the forest, "I may be the lowest of the nine Seats but I was still qualified of becoming one! I am still strong! And with the power vested by the almighty [One], I will erase the threat of L/N Y/N from the face of Arleth and be acknowledged by the [One] HAHAHAAAHA!!"

"You're crazy! The revival of the demon king?! There must be something wrong in your head!" You retorted, sensing an incoming dread.

"OHOHOHO, Crazy?! You're wrong!" He grabbed a small bottle with a bunch of red circular tablets inside and popped on out, "I'M FUCKING INSANE! With this, not only will I be able to finally be the strongest of them all, but I will finally rise up to the top of the Seats! HAHAHAHAHA!"


Your eyes widened in realization. You knew what he was doing but before you could even stop him, it was too late.

Power surged outwardly, flinging you away from Gerald's convulsing body and you were smacked against a series of trees.

Clear vision meets a more bigger and more muscular yet deformed version of the mercenary which broke out of the original one by tearing up the body to pieces.

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