•𝒜𝒷ℴ𝓊𝓉 𝓊𝓈•

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"What happened tonight when you thought she was Georgie?" Stefan asked Damon. We were talking about Katherine. Yes, Katherine, the crazy ex-girlfriend of Damon and Stefan. She was the one who had kissed Damon, not me and neither Elena. She had the chance to enter the house, so we had to figure out some plan.

Damon raised his eyebrows. "To risk another frown line encroaching on a very crowded forehead," he walked from behind a kitchen counter, "we... kissed." He smirked.

"And you thought it was Georgie?" Elena frowned.

"What do you mean you kissed?" Stefan asked kind of pissed, like if he didn't know what that meant.

"Well, you know," Damon picked up his hand to his jaw, "when two lips pucker and they go..." He made a kiss sound. Stefan sped at him, but Damon expected that and sped around him, next to Elena. "Don't be obvious, Stefan," he said. Stefan took a few steps towards him. I stepped between them before they could get any nearer to each other. "No, no, no, Stefan," I reached out my arms in front of me in attempt to stop him and it worked, "he – he kissed Katherine, not me." I didn't get his sudden change of mood. He was angry. Maybe jealous? No, why would he? It didn't make sense. Actually, nothing made sense at all.

"Can't you just focus on that Katherine was invited in and be serious at least for a while?" I asked frustrated.

"I am completely serious," Damon said and Stefan joined him, "Me either."

"Fine," I continued. I didn't get how Damon could have thought it had been me. We looked the same, but there had to be some difference between us. There had to be something between her and me that would scream it's her. Stefan had recognized it.

"Later," Stefan grinned at Damon and he grinned at him.

"John must know something. There has to be a reason why Katherine tried to kill him," Elena thought.

"She's Katherine. She loves to play games and you're fooling yourself if you think you're gonna find out what she's up to before she wants you to know," Damon said.

"No, actually, Elena's right. John could know something through Isobel," Stefan admitted. "Your mother, she was in touch with Katherine, so maybe we could go to the hospital. Get him to talk." Me and El nodded in agreement.

"I've got a better idea," Damon spoke up.

"What's that?" I wondered.

"We're just gonna ignore the bitch."

"Is that smart?"

"If Katherine thinks she's being ignored, it will lure her out. She will make a move."

"Yeah?" Stefan asked sarcastically. "And what?"

"Stake her, rip her head off, something poetic," Damon suggested. "We'll see." Me just like Stefan and Elena didn't agree. But Damon was Damon.


"Hey, Matt," I and Bonnie approached him. We went to visit Caroline to see how she was doing.


"You've been here all night?" I asked him.

"Yeah, with the sheriff," he smiled slightly.

"No one else?" Bonnie raised eyebrows curiously. We hoped Damon had stopped by to do what he had promised. Matt frowned, "Stefan's brother Damon stopped by late last night." I looked at Bonnie and smiled happily. He had done it. He had given Caroline his blood to heal her.

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