3 (Motivations)

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Hi! I know it's been a tough day but here's some motivational phrases that will inspire you to live a life better than yesterday, so live, live babe.

(1)If you feel like someone is giving  you mixed signals that you feel confused of what to do then directly talk to them. Don't hesitate to ask a questions because we all deserve a peace of mind and heart. In addition, don't fall for someone if they're just telling you some flowery words that's not being pared with their actions. By the way, don't assume to much.

(2)If you really like or love that person, you know that you deserve them, and you know that they're good for the both of you to have each other then why don't you take a risk? Because taking a risk to someone who's worthy for that decision rather than thinking of those what if's in your mind that you'll forever think of. Then now what? Should you take a risk or lose the chance? Think of it babe.

(3) Rejecting someone you don't have any feelings for is totally okay because it is much better that you already rejected him/her in the first place instead of giving them false hopes.

(4) If you're not yet ready to be in a relationship then don't. If you're not totally healed and moved on from your past partners then don't commit to someone. Because it is much better to love, commit, and being contented with someone if you're already at your best. Offering your best to your partners will definitely makes the both of you happy, especially that your partner reciprocated that things you do for them.

(5) Don't make yourself an option, never ever do that. Don't make yourself a rebound, don't ever do that.Dont stay on a relationship if you knew that it's not worth staying for, especially if your partner is already hurting you physically. Leave, babe. Raise your standards high babe, there's nothing wrong with that. Especially if you knew that you deserve better, that you deserve the best of the best.

Reminder: Plagiarism is a crime, babe.

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