Chapter 8

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Dear Rose,

I've been with the Resistance for a few weeks now, but I still miss you very much. When I first came here, I thought I was going to be a Jedi, but it turned out that I wasn't even supposed to be here in the first place.

The letter I was given telling me to meet Poe wasn't supposed to go to me. Poe doesn't even think it was for anyone on Earth. That makes me feel horrible, because if they had given the right person the right letter, none of the riots would have happened, and you would still be alive.

Instead of murdering me, Poe gave me a job. I work for him now, and it's not exactly boring. Pretty much every day I see something that would be in a sci-fi film back home. Poe is trying to teach me how to fly a starfighter, but I'm not really getting the hang of it, and I think he's getting a bit tired.

I've learned how to use a blaster pistol, which is what Poe pointed at me the first day I met him. I can also use a blaster rifle, but it's heavier and more difficult to control.

We don't really wear uniforms here. Poe gave me his jacket when I got recruited as a welcoming present. I think I've worn it every single day. For the time being, Poe has lent me some of his clothes until I can buy some new ones.

I got paid last week! Instead of using dollars, they use credits. I live on a starship now, and it feels so surreal. The first time we jumped to lightspeed, I didn't know how to react. The stars streaked past us in lines. Nobody else batted an eye, but I just stared. I'm getting used to it now.

I've sort-of made another friend. Her name is Rey, and when I first showed up, she HATED me. It turns out she wanted to become a Jedi too, and she was jealous of all the attention I was getting. When she found out I got turned down, she became a little bit nicer. I guess she felt bad for me. We speak more than we used to.

Rey and Poe are pretty much the only proper friends I've made so far. Poe is the squadron leader of Black Squadron, and all his pilots are friendly towards me, but none of them are proper friends. I guess I still need some time to fit in, and get people to like me. It seems like almost everyone here can fly a starship, but some are a lot better than others.

I met some of the pilots on my first day, Snap Wexley and Jess Pava. They're nice enough.

The other day, me, Poe, and Rey were sent on a supply mission. They were pretty chill about the whole thing, but it was SO nerve-wracking. We had to sneak into this building to collect ammo and bacta (a healing fluid) and I almost got us caught a handful of times. In the end, the mission was a success, and I was so proud of myself!!

We've travelled to several different planets, and I have to wear a mask so that I can breathe. The first planet we arrived on, I just collapsed because there was no oxygen. There are several different species of aliens in the Resistance, but the ones I believed were human like Poe are clearly something else, as he can breathe normally on the surface of most planets.

When I collapsed, the others quickly brought me back on board, and I was put in the medbay and attached to this machine that put air in my lungs while they tried to figure out what was wrong with me. Sometimes Poe takes the piss out of me when I wear the mask, but the joke has kinda died down now.

I miss you more than anything, and the necklace you left at my house one time, I wear it every day. I'm still getting used to my new life here, but maybe one day I can come back to Earth.

All my love,


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