Chapter 1

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Sukuna and (Y/n) Itadori, children of the famous Itadori Company, competitors rivaling the Ootori Company. The families have been at their throats for years. The most recent battle was partnering with the Gojo family, a company that stands at the very top. Both families used their children to gain favoritism toward the Gojo heir. It worked in the Itadori's favor, as their company grew exponentially, and is currently out-competing the Ootori family.

Now that (Y/n) and Sukuna are older, they were taken out of public school and sent to private school, in order to expand their growth. Arriving at the school in a limo, (Y/n) happily jumped out of the car as Sukuna grumpily stalked after him. "Wah!! It's so big!" (Y/n) exclaimed in awe, sparkling in excitement as he stared up at the large school. "What the hell got you so excited? It's just another school, nothing special" Sukuna grumbled with a dark scowl.

"It's a private school! One of the richest places, right? So, it's sort of special. It won't be like our normal schools we'd been to!" (Y/n) proclaimed as he waved his arms around. For the longest time, the two twins were put in public school, as their parents believed it would give them experience in common living, the basics of being human. This will be their first time being among their peers.

Well, Sukuna doesn't view the rich as his peers, sure he struggled with some people accepting him at public schools. But dammit he found loyal friends there. "It's just another school with pretentious douchebags who has no idea how the real world works," Sukuna grumbled, glaring at the school.

"Don't be like that! I know you just miss our old school life, Mother and father said they can always come over if you're lonely" (Y/n) teased as he elbowed his brother. Sukuna raised his brow at his twin and grips his chin as he thinks. "Fine I will give this place a chance," Sukuna sighed, still glaring at the place.

Following (Y/n), Sukuna glares up at the sky as he walks forward. He really doesn't want to be here, but hell, he has no choice. Due to his distraction, he didn't realize the unmoving body in front of him, forcing him to collide with another. He looks down, irritated that someone ran into him. "Watch it, twerp!" He snaps.

"Wha-! You're–" Haruhi's words died in her throat as she looked up at Sukuna. He was a large man with a tattoo on his forehead, nose, and neck. His piercing red eyes glared deep into her soul. She gulped nervously, believing to have just pissed off a Yakuza member. "Sorry!" She meekly apologized as she quickly backed away from him. "Sukuna!! Sorry about him, he's kind of in a bad mood right now" (Y/n) apologized to her with a slight bow.

"You don't get to apologize for everything I do, (Y/n)," Sukuna spoke, irritated that (Y/n) is doing that. "Then quit being so grumpy toward everyone you see! This is why you have so little friends" (Y/n) argued as Haruhi took this opportunity to slink away. "I don't need any more friends, I have enough," Sukuna grunts, hitting (Y/n) lightly on the head.

"Ow!" (Y/n) cried as he held his head, fake crying, right as the first bell rang. "Oh looks like we'll be late," Sukuna spoke in amusement. "Ah! I don't want to be late! Come on!" (Y/n) exclaimed as he grabbed his brother's arm and ran toward the school.

"If I'm late enough they'll kick me out and I'll go back to my old school," Sukuna grumbles, but did walk just a bit faster knowing it will cause (Y/n) trouble if he doesn't hurry. "You and I know that's not true. Father would just scold you and Mother would be disappointed, then you're back at square one" (Y/n) reasoned as he walked next to his brother.

"Nothing new anyways," Sukuna rolls his eyes as he sighed. "It's pretty obvious you're the favorite son." (Y/n) let out a gasp before punching his brother in the arm. "That is not true! They love us equally! You're just a pain in the ass to get along with!" He argued with a frown. "Don't touch me or I'll throw you into a damn fountain," Sukuna hissed as they made it to their first classroom.

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