Chapter 18

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A can fly through the air as (Y/n) giggled, chasing after it. "I got it! I got it!" He proclaimed as the can fell toward him. He jumped high in the air and kicked the can towards Sukuna. Sukuna smirked The can came at him at lightning speed. But despite this, he easily kicks the can back to (Y/n). "Hey, it's kick the can, not kick a bullet!!" Tamaki exclaimed, horrified as the two kicked the can at each other with frightening velocity.

"But we are kicking a can!" (Y/n) yelled back as he kicked the can back at Sukuna. Sukuna kicks the can back just as harshly and the club was sure if someone was hit by it, it would pierce through the person. "Yeah don't be such a pussy," Sukuna retorts. "I think I can speak for everyone and say that no one wants to play kick the can with you two," Haruhi said, shuddering at the thought of trying to kick that can.

"Ah!" (Y/n) exclaimed as he accidentally missed the can, watching as it flew past him and into the school window. "AHH!!" Someone screamed in pain, the club dreaded investigating who got hit by the can. "S-Sukuna? D-Did I just kill someone?" (Y/n) asked through sniffles, as tears gathered in his eyes, looking like a kicked puppy. "No of course not," Sukuna comforts him. "It's their fault for being in the school in the first place," he assured (Y/n). "That's not how that works," Haruhi grumbled, deadpanning.

Against Sukuna's will, he was forced to go with the club to check to see if the person was alive. When they got there, the guy was clutching the side of his head, his dismembered ear on the floor, stuck in the can. Instantly Kyoya got to work on helping the injured student, while (Y/n) was profusely apologizing. Meanwhile, Sukuna noticed stacks and stacks of newspapers that filled up the room.

"You cut off his ear," Haruhi mumbled as she stared at Sukuna, expecting him to apologize for his actions. But his eyes stuck to the magazines, reading some of the text that talked about love affairs and power struggles among the students. Then, one magazine caught his attention, it had a very familiar (h/c)-haired idiot attached to the front, holding a gold necklace.

Sukuna grabs the magazine and storms to the man. He grabs the guy by the collar of his shirt. "Oi, what the hell is this?" Sukuna demands him as he shows the magazine of (Y/n). "A magazine I made?" The man questioned, looking confused. "Sukuna! Don't manhandle him! He's already injured enough!" Tamaki scolded Sukuna.

"Lemme see," (Y/n) said as he took the magazine from Sukuna, reading through it. "Oh! Hey! It's that neckless I found on the floor!" He remarked as he pointed at the neckless. "But why does it say I stole it from someone important...?" He mumbled, a bit confused. "You little shit, I will take your other ear and mail it to the goddamn president," Sukuna hissed.

"Why do you want to mail body parts?" Karou asked, confused. "Whatever, this shithead is calling my brother a thief, I'm not sorry his ear got dismembered," Sukuna growls. "Look, I didn't know he was your brother! I will take it down," the man assured frantically.

"Calm down, it's not like anyone reads these magazines anyways," Karou explained to Sukuna. "Yeah, everyone knows these magazines are fake," Hikaru agreed with a shrug. "They better, or I will-" (Y/n) quickly pulls Sukuna back from the student so he won't threaten him again.

"It's true, we don't have a good reputation in this school. That's why we wanted to ask the host club for help. So we can do a story cover showing off your greatness. Will you help us?" The man asked with a hopeful look. "Of course we–" Tamaki didn't get to finish his sentence. "No/Hell no," Kyoya and Sukuna said in unison.

"What?! Why not?!" Tamaki exclaimed with a look of disbelief. "Can't you see their family is tearing apart?! They need our help!" He proclaimed as he gestured to the magazine club members. Instantly the three club members started bawling like babies. "That's so sad..." (Y/n) mumbled, instantly buying the pathetic display. "Oh so sad," Sukuna mocks as he walks to another newspaper. This time he was on the cover. He picks it up and reads it, growing angrier by the second. "The school demon?!" Sukuna yells. "Also might be cheating on his boyfriend with....really!? Renge of all people?!"

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