Chapter 20

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"Ta-da!" (Y/n) said as he showed off his frilly outfit. "Ooooooh" Hikarou and Karou awed and clapped for him. Megumi deadpanned, still waiting for the dressing room to just try on a black shirt. But the twins and (Y/n) have been hogging it. "Suku-Chan! Suku-Chan! What do you think of this one?" Honey asked as he showed off his cute clothes.

Sukuna looks at Honey's clothes and gives him a thumbs up. "You look great Honey," Sukuna said bluntly. Megumi was going to scold him for such a bland response, but he stopped himself when Honey's eyes brightened with pure joy. "Then I'll get it!" Honey chirped as he happily ran off. "How the fuck..." Megumi mumbled, looking bewildered. Megumi didn't know that any compliment from Sukuna was as rare as finding a pot of gold.

"Megumi! You can use the changing room now," (Y/n) called out to Megumi, waving him over. Megumi grumbled as he made his way into the changing room. "Did you get anything, Sukuna?" (Y/n) asked curiously. Sukuna shakes his head. "No, I don't need anything, I'm fine," he said, looking bored. "Not even to try on for fun? Maybe you might get a kiss from Megumi," (Y/n) suggested, smirking.

"Yeah! Like something like this!" Hikaru said as he held up a cape. "Don't forget this, too!" Karou joined in, holding up a plastic crown. Sukuna looks at the items in disgust. "A king doesn't need to wear those atrocities," Sukuna said, glaring at the items. Maybe if he glares at them hard enough they'll burn.

"(Y/n)! Hold him down!" Karou exclaimed, instantly Sukuna found his arms held behind him. "Got him!" (Y/n) announced as he gripped Sukuna tightly. "What the hell are you doing?!" Sukuna roared as he struggled against his twin. The orange-haired twins approached Sukuna with creepy grins. By the time Megumi finally exited the changing room, he found Sukuna dressed in a cape and crown, looking quite pissed. And Hikarou, Karou, and (Y/n) were on the ground with large lumps on their heads.

"What happened?" Megumi asked, looking quite confused. Sukuna is fuming as he looks at (Y/n) with betrayal. "My twin decided to team up with the other twins and dressed me up as a fool!" Sukuna hissed. "You don't look like a fool," Megumi said as he observed Sukuna. The cape and crown made Sukuna look all the more elegant, Megumi couldn't help but blush. Megumi quickly turned away, hiding the fact that he liked the look on Sukuna.

"We should... Put that back," Megumi mumbled. Sukuna raises his brow and then smirks. He holds Megumi by his waist and pulls him close. "Do you like seeing your king like this Blessing?" Sukuna said, only loud enough for Megumi to hear. "Don't be ridiculous," Megumi said as he turned his head away, his face getting redder. Behind Megumi the trio of idiots, Hikariu, Karou, and (Y/n) high-five each other for the successful reaction.

"Look, Sukuna! We're twinning!" Tamaki announced as he twirled around in his cape and crown. Instantly the mood dropped. Sukuna ripped the crown and the cape off of himself, scowling at Tamaki. 'Way to ruin the mood, dumbass,' Sukuna thought, unhappily. "Huh?!" Tamaki questioned, looking confused.

"What the hell boss?!" Karou exclaimed. "We nearly got Sukuna to agree on that look!" Hikatu berated Tamaki. "It looked so cool on Sukuna too," (Y/n) whined. Megumi turned to Sukuna and gestured to leave while they could. Sukuna holds Megumi's hand and leaves with him.

"Is something wrong? Ever since you and (Y/n) talked, you've been acting funny," Megumi said, looking worried. Sukuna grips his hand tightly as he scowls at the floor. "My so-called parents want to send (Y/n) abroad," Sukuna mutters. "Abroad? What for?" Megumi asked as he stopped in his steps. "He didn't say, I can only assume to send him away so he could stay away from the "bad" twin," Sukuna mutters, calling himself the bad twin.

"You aren't a bad twin," Megumi stated as he held both of Sukuna's hands. "If anything, they are just bad parents," he said with a serious look. Sukuna lets out a small scoff as he smiles a little. "I don't know, some people would think I'm too overprotective of my twin," Sukuna said as he leaned in to kiss his cheek.

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