Chapter 11

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It was another sleepless night for (Y/n), getting up seemed more painful as time progressed. Ever since getting out of the hospital, he couldn't get a decent sleep. Perhaps nightmares of what happened? Or the sheer terror he felt when losing Honey in a literal jungle, he still blames himself for what happened that day.

Slowly, (Y/n) groaned as he rolled off the bed, landing with a loud thud, he didn't even try to get up afterward. Maybe it won't be so bad if he just lays there for a few more minutes. Falling off the bed caused a loud ruckus so it didn't surprise him when he heard footsteps heading to his room. (Y/n)'s door opens and Sukuna looks inside, worried.

"What the hell happened?" Sukuna asked, walking towards his twin. "Nothin..." (Y/n) mumbled as he peeled himself off the floor, sluggishly heading past Sukuna to get prepared for the day. Sukuna's brows furrowed as he watched (Y/n) become less joyful as the days went on. He also seems a little less active and energetic.

(Y/n) made his way to the kitchen, he didn't bother making himself breakfast, instead, he sat down at the dining table and used the table as a pillow. Sukuna, who has been following him, frowns as he sees (Y/n) in this state. Occasionally, he'd see (Y/n) touch the bandages that covered the healing wound on his face. It's clear he hated the scar that will most likely be permanent on his face.

"What do you feel like having for breakfast?" Sukuna asked as he grabbed a skillet. "Breakfast?" (Y/n) mumbled as he lifted his head up. "Ah! You don't have to make me anything!" He quickly said as he stood up, only to stumble from the sudden blood rushing to his head. "Yeah, your dumbass needs food, sit down," Sukuna orders, forcing (Y/n) to sit down in his seat. Sukuna went back to cooking breakfast for them, something nice and simple.

"Man... I can't even do this right..." (Y/n) grumbled as he pressed his cheek against the table. His eyes travel around the room until they land on the clock. 10:00 a.m., Saturday. "Gah! We're late for class!" (Y/n) exclaimed as he abruptly stood up again, smacking his head right into the low-hanging light above him.

"Will you relax! There's no school today!" Sukuna yells so (Y/n) doesn't hurt himself anymore. "There isn't?" (Y/n) mumbled as he rubbed his aching head, taking another glance at the clock to see the date. "Oh... Ehe... I knew that," he nervously chuckled. Sukuna sighed as he finished up breakfast and handed his twin his breakfast.

"Thanks..." (Y/n) mumbled as he grabbed the food and leisurely ate. Usually, he'd be consuming the food like it was water. He got halfway until he shakily placed down his chopsticks, head bowed down. "Hey... Brother?" (Y/n) called quietly, but loud enough for Sukuna to hear. Sukuna turns to him, stopping him from eating a spoonful of his food. "Yeah?" Sukuna asked, a little concerned. Okay, that's a lie, he's very concerned for (Y/n).

"I'm sorry for being a terrible brother... I understand if you hate me and- and want to never speak to me again. I can handle the club alone if you want to leave it..." At this point, (Y/n) was just rambling through stutters, as tears threatened to fall from his eyes. All this frustration and continuous bullying is starting to get to him. Sukuna slowly stands as (Y/n) is midway through his ramble. The eldest twin sits beside him and pulls him into a hug.

"Brat if I left you there, I would be more terrified and worried than before," Sukuna starts. "It may be a little over the top, but I feel at ease when you're near me and in my sight. I can breathe and relax that my baby brother is safe." Sukuna then ruffles (Y/n)'s hair. "And hate you? I could never hate you, I look up to you (Y/n)."

"Even if I almost ruin your relationship with Megumi?" (Y/n) asked again, a bit muffled by the hug, clearly still blaming himself. "Let me ask you this, have I or Megumi ever blamed you for that situation?" Sukuna asked, pulling back so he could make (Y/n) look at him. He could tell (Y/n) was doing his best to hold back his tears, as he quivered in his spot.

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