Chapter 22

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A/n: For those who want to know, yes this is a real place, I am not telling you where :p

It had been silent the whole drive back home. Even after a ton of reassurance from Sukuna and Megumi, (Y/n) still didn't forgive himself for causing Sukuna stress and creating a massive problem. Overall, he felt like a shit brother for even trying to do anything involving their parents. They finally arrived at Megumi's home, dropping him off was the main priority before dealing with their parents.

"Sukuna... I think you should stay here with Megumi, I will go home, alone," (Y/n) said as he looked down at his lap. "I've put you through so much shit yesterday, it's only fair I take the fall for my mistakes," he said, feeling this was the best way to make up for what he did. "Well apparently the last time I did that you were committing a shit ton of crimes," Sukuna said, glaring at (Y/n). "Oh no wait, you went behind my back to do that. Like hell I'm leaving you alone, for all I know you'll offer up your soul to make me happy."

"I said I was sorry..." (Y/n) mumbled as he looked like a kicked puppy. "Don't be too harsh on him," Megumi scolded Sukuna lightly. He didn't need (Y/n) to feel worse than he already felt. "No, Sukuna is right..." (Y/n) mumbled, frowning. "But, I also should own up to my mistakes. You shouldn't take the fall for it," he said as he looked up towards Sukuna. Sukuna lets out a sigh and nods. "Alright, but I'm still coming with you and if they ever dare make you unhappy I will make sure Satoru fulfills his promise," Sukuna hissed as his hands formed into fists.

"I doubt they can make me more unhappy than I already am..." (Y/n) grumbled. "Do you need me to be there as well?" Megumi asked Sukuna worriedly, Sukuna shook his head no. "They insulted Geto yesterday, if they said something to you I would be in jail within five seconds," Sukuna grumbles. "They insulted Geto? Is he alright?" (Y/n) asked worriedly.

Sukuna nods, running his fingers through his own hair. "He was a bit grumpy, but he's fine," Sukuna reassures (Y/n). "If you're sure you don't need me there, I'll see you tomorrow?" Megumi asked Sukuna as he hopped out of the car. Sukuna nods, looking at his boyfriend with gentle eyes. "Yeah I'll see you tomorrow and hopefully have a better summer vacation," Sukuna said, smiling.

"Hopefully," Megumi said as he let out a sigh, and closed the car door. The car drove off, heading to (Y/n) and Sukuna's home. (Y/n) leaned against the car door, giving Sukuna a decent amount of space. Sukuna leans into his hand as his expression is slightly angry. Sukuna doesn't argue or say anything, he just remains silent stewing in his anger.

"Sukuna? I know you're mad... But I thought you'd be happy," (Y/n) said, trying to explain his thoughts as he did to Megumi. Sukuna pinches the bridge of his nose. "Why would I be happy with this outcome?" He asked (Y/n). "I mean, aside from forging your name, I thought you'd be happy that I was letting you be free of our parents. Get them off your back, you know? I just... I didn't know doing that would ruin your reputation entirely if it went through," (Y/n) explained with a frown.

"(Y/n), that is not why I am mad," Sukuna mutters. "It's not?" (Y/n) questioned, looking a bit confused. "I'm mad because you went behind my back and did all of this," Sukuna grumbled until he realized something. He took out Mahito without (Y/n) knowing about it, so why does he get mad at (Y/n) for doing something similar?

"Because I knew you would try and stop me. I was trying to do my brotherly duty and protect you. But... You know how that went," (Y/n) said as he rubbed the back of his neck. Sukuna sighs and ruffles (Y/n)'s hair. "You just need some tips and know who you're allies are," Sukuna instructs. "If we didn't know Satoru you would be abroad and I'd be in jail."

"Megumi told me I'd be in jail abroad, that doesn't sound too fun," (Y/n) admitted with a sheepish grin. (Y/n) then frowned, not really wanting to go home, then perked up suddenly. "Hey, driver, can you go to this location?" (Y/n) asked as he showed the driver the location on his phone. When he sat down, Sukuna looked at (Y/n) confused. "Are you planning to get us both sent abroad? If so we have to bring Megumi with us," Sukuna said, leaning back into his seat.

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