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My doctor is a fucking asshole-
He asks "how are things at home?"
I say "oh about the same"
He nods and says "huh interesting"
He's not a therapist,
And I think he himself needs therapy.
But I still hand in half my paycheck,
So that he'll prescribe me all my meds

My company is a cheapskate,
They hog all their money,
And they won't give any of it out-
That's why they lose their employees.
They use numbers and policies
To try to reel everyone in,
But everyone knows
Liars don't always win.

My family is great
At making you wish you were dead-
Honestly did someone drop them on their heads?
Thinking before speaking
Is a skill they never learned,
And apparently thinking before doing wasn't either.
Because everyone thinks kids are a great idea,
And I guess they thought their relationships would be better,
But it ended in a history of nightmares.

Grade school is a necessity,
But college really shouldn't be-
Why do I need a whole degree
To get a crappy job selling paperclips,
Until I get seven years of experience
To get my own desk?
They say college guarantees a job
And I wish it wasn't true,
But unless there's some sort of certification
Slapped on top of that application,
Companies will look right over you

Doctors have big egos,
Companies are greedy,
My family is a disaster,
College sucks,
I can't pay my bills,
Gas is too expensive,
I have to watch my diet now,
I hope I don't go into debt,
Pets don't actually go to special farms,
Love isn't real,
People die,
Why am I so tired...
Being an adult is overrated.

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