The battle begins

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The Frog brothers and Emerson brothers were now in the cave. Alan Frog was surprised by how it looked.

"Woah vampire hotel."

The Frog brothers were going further and further into the cave. They were looking around when they saw a figure sleeping in bed.

"Look here's one let's stake her."

Edgar was about to stake her when Michael started to shout.

"Don't you touch her. Just stay away from her."

Sam and Michael entered the cave. Sam was still helping Michael. The Frog brothers looked at each other before nodding.

"Come on it's the vampires have such rotten tempers."

Sam and Michael went over to where Star was. Michael was so happy that she was safe and okay. He crawled on the bed and started to shake her gently to try and wake her up.


The Frog brothers were trying to figure out where the vampires were sleeping.

"The rest of them have to be around here someplace. Let's go."

They ran into a separate direction away from Sam and Michael. Sam freaked out because he thought he saw something on his shoulder. Star started to wake up and saw Michael.

"I'm taking you outta here."

He started to pick her up.

"No take Laddie first please."

Michael looked up and saw Laddie sleeping soundly on a couch near Star. Meanwhile Edgar and Alan were in one of the tunnel like hallways trying to find the rest of the vampires.

"I feel a draft. I think there's something in here."

"Let's check it out champ."

"Come on."

Edgar, Alan and Sam began to climb the weird looking stairs to try and find out where the draft was coming from. Sam turned around and to look at his brother.

"I'll be right back Mike. I hope."

Sam shouted before turning back around to follow the Frog brothers.

"Come on Sam let's go."

Sam began to follow the Frog brothers through the cobwebbed filled tunnels. It was dark and it was really hard to see if Edgar and Alan hadn't brought a flashlight along with them.

"Move Alan move."





"We're under a trail. Flies and death go together like bullets and guns come on."

Outside of the cave Michael was placing Laddie in the car. Back inside the cave with the Frog brothers and Sam. They were all grunting and groaning until they were able to walk without tripping.

"What's that smell?"

Sam started to sniff around because he smelt something plain rancid.

"Vampires my friend."

Back with Michael he had came back into the cave to get Star. He placed a blanket over her to protect her from the sun. He then picked her up and went to go back to the car. With the Frog brothers and Sam they were still looking for the vampires. They were walking and trying not to trip over every little thing that was in their way.

"Come on."

Edgar jumped down and looked around.

"It's freezing in here. Ahh."

Alan and Sam followed Edgar but soon reached the end of the tunnel.

"Come on guys it's a dead end."

"They must have hidden their coffins here somewhere."

"There's nothing here guys let's go."

They were waving the flashlights everywhere trying to see in the dark space.



They just managed to shine the flashlights at just the right spot and found the vampires.


"Alan shut up."

Edgar had to place a hand over his brother's mouth because he saw something that broke his heart. Along with the four male vampires that were sleeping he also saw the girl who he was madly in love with. She was sleeping so peacefully between two of her brothers. It was almost like they were protecting her in their sleep. Alan was truly heartbroken seeing this.

"I thought they were supposed to be in coffins?"

"That's what this cave is. It's one giant coffin."

Edgar went and put a stool-like object so he could reach the sleeping  vampires.

"Right now they're at their most vulnerable. Easy pickings."

"Edgar you're not going to kill Lilly are you."

"Alan would you shut up about your crush on her and focus on this mission."

"Alan has a crush on her."

"Both of you shut up and focus on this mission."

Edgar climbed up to where the littlest male vampire is.

"You have to stake the leader and we don't even know who the leader is."

"I'll guess we just have to kill them all."

"Don't kill Lilly."

"Alan shut up."

Edgar got closer to Marko.

"Let's start with the little one."

"First come, first staked."

"What was that? A little vampire humor. It wasn't funny."

Sam didn't like the joke that they just told. It made him feel extremely uncomfortable. Edgar got his wooden stake ready to stake the vampire infront of him.

"Oh my God."

Edgar was about to stake the vampire.

"No don't you even."

"Goodnight bloodsucker."

He peirced the vampire right through his unbeating heart. His eyes shot open and began to scream. Blood was spraying everywhere and the others woke up screaming.

The little vampire fell from his sleeping space still screaming and bleeding. Alan saw Lilly fly down to where the screaming and bleeding vampire was. She looked so heartbroken. She had tears streaming down her pale skin. They were all screaming now.

"You're dead meat."


I never thought that I would wake up to a sight like this. Never did I ever imagine that I would ever wake up to a heartbreaking scene like this. Marko was now dying infront of me. My eyes were were now had tears flooding down my face. A couple of my tears fell on his wounds before he finally died. I let out a heartbreaking scream while I saw David chase after the ones that did this. Now there was only one thing on my mind. A new feeling that never once crossed my mind. A very intense feeling of hatred.

"They just started a war that they will wish they never started."

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