Coming to Forks

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It felt like hours had passed since I started my flight to Forks. Leaving Phoenix would be hard, leaving the beautiful weather and also my mom would be harder. But since my mom got remarried to Phill our relationship became strained. I wasn't so much as jealous of Phill, he was an amazing husband to my mom and even more so a stepfather. But I could feel the atmosphere changing between the three of us. I kinda started to feel like a burden to them. So I decided to move to Forks with my dad for a while, or at least until I graduate. Phill would be traveling for work so much and I figured my mom would want to go with him. So I decided not to hold her back. Although she did put up a pretty big fight about me going to live with Charlie. But she decided it would be best for the both of us.
I was reaching for my luggage just as I heard someone call my name.
I turned around to see a slightly smiling Charlie holding a pice of cardboard with my name scratched on it. My dad wasn't that guy that usually showed his affection or love for people. That's one of the main reasons why my mom left him. So I found it surprising when I walked over to him and he grabbed me in a hug.
"Hey Bells, I missed ya."
"Umm yeah, I missed you too Char-, dad.."
He let go as he cleared his throat and pretended like what he did wasn't totally unlike him. He grabbed my bag and we made our way out of the airport. It was kind of obvious as to what we would be driving back to town in. My dad was the chief of police in the small town of Forks, so he drove his cruiser everywhere. I didn't mind much, I just hope he doesn't expect me to be ok with him driving me to school in it.
It had been almost 20 minutes until he finally decided to break the silence.
"I got you a car."
Keeping his eyes on the road, I was guessing he wasn't sure what my reaction would be. So he didn't wanna make it awkward by looking over at me as he drove.
"It's a truck actually, I think it fits you pretty well."
"You didn't have to do that, you letting me stay with you-"
"Bella I haven't seen you since you were 10. I know I've missed out on a lot, and this isn't my way of trying to buy your love or anything like that. I just thought you could use a ride to school. Couldn't imagine you would want me to drive you around in the cruiser."
He finished the last sentence with a little chuckle.
"Thanks dad, it uhh... It's means a lot."
The rest of the drive was silent. Which neither of us minded, we were both very quiet and a little emotionless people. Which can kinda come off as cold haerted, or at least that's what my mom always told me. Didn't bother me too much though, I had enough friends to prove her wrong on that fact. Although starting off in a new town with no friends would prover her right.
I knew we were nearing Charlie's house as soon as he turned onto a small street. He pulled into a small gravel drive way with an old rusty pick up truck. I thought it was cute, and I did kinda like it. It had a really cool rustic feel to it. I got out of the car looking at the house that would now be my new home. It was nice. I could tell it was a bit small from the outside, but it was just the two of us so that doesn't really matter.
"I'll take your bags up to your room. You can go ahead and look around if you want."
Charlie tossed me the keys not knowing I have no kind of reflexes and I totally failed by letting them smack me in the forehead. It didn't hurt too much though, wouldn't leave a bruise or a scare so we're cool.
"Uhh, you ok there Bella?"
I reached for the keys on the ground coming back up rubbing my head a little.
"Yeah I'm fine."
I made my way up the steps of the small house and unlocked the door. I could hear Charlie yell out that my room was up the stairs to the left. There were only two bedrooms and one bathroom, so I didn't think it would be that hard to find. Passing pictures of me and my mom when I was a baby still hanging on the wall stunned me for a second. I knew my dad still loved my mom but I didn't think he would still have pictures of her still hanging up. I wonder if he's dated since they got divorced.
Forcing the thought out of my head, I decided to head up stairs to my room and look around the rest of the house later. I reached my room opening the door. It was a nice, simple, a slightly dark shade of purple. I found purple to be a really girly color. It didn't bother me all that much. There was a nice size bed in the middle of the room with a window over looking the front yard and the forest across the street. And a desk directly in front of another widow a few feet from the foot of my bed. Only this windows view was obscured by a large tree, which I didn't mind. I liked trees, plus it was on the side of the house so there wasn't really much to see on the other side of it. Other than my neighbors house. It was a nice size room, a down grade but it was cute and cozy. I liked it. Hearing Charlie clear his throat at the door way holding my bags broke me out of my thoughts about my room.
"Oh um yeah, you can just set those on the bed."
He said as he set them down gently on the bed, also setting down a ring with 2 keys and a key chain that said I heart Foks. Guessing one is to the house and the other is to my truck.
"Thanks dad.."
"Yeah no problem. Dinners at 7, hope you like pizza."
"Love it."
I said with a small laugh.
"Well I'll leave you to get settled in."
"Ok. Oh and dad?"
He turned back around before he could step out of my room.
"Thanks, for everything.."
I said looking down at the ground slightly.
"No need to thank me Bella."
He walked out before I could say anything else. Leaving me to take in my new surroundings and unpacking.
By the time the pizza had gotten here I had already showered and unpacked. And managed to print off my school schedule and a map of the school for tomorrow. Somewhat dreading my first day at Forks High as the new girl.
Dinner with Charlie flew by, he tried making conversation but it didn't work out out so well. So we spent most of the time in silence listening to each other chew. We finished the night with us saying goodnight. As he retired to the couch to watch a hockey game, I decided to get to bed early so I wouldn't be too groggy for my first day of school. As soon as my head hit my pillow and I was under my covers, I was asleep just as fast as I had laid down.

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