The Move

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It's been a couple days since the talk with Alice. She told me it was best if I stayed away from her house until she got the whole moving situation under control with her family. She told me that Jasper and Rose were furious. Which is understandable for Rose, I was practically taking away her only sister. As for Jasper, I could give less than a fuck about how he feels about the whole situation. She tried convincing me that her parents were ok with it, but I couldn't help but feel terrible about it.

But I couldn't dwell on it for too long, although it was still eating away at me. It's Friday, and I desperately need something to take my mind off everything. Class was going by slow without Alice. Today is the day she suppose to be moving into her new apartment. I tried offering my help, but she told me that Edward and Emmet would be helping her instead. Plus she had super vampire strength and speed, so I don't think there was much I could help her with anyways. And that she wanted it to be a surprise, which I totally didn't understand, it was her apartment not mine.

My phone buzzed in my pocket with a text from Alice.

"All moved in, can't wait for you to see the place. Come over after school, I miss you. 3535 Cain Ridge Road. Love you :* <3"

I couldn't help but smile to myself. She was amazing in every way possible, and she was all mine. In that instant I thought about how my life with Alice would play out. Realizing I never told her how I felt about becoming a vampire. My mind still hadn't changed though, I still want to be like her. I want to be with Alice forever, one lifetime wouldn't be enough for me. I thought about how selfish that sounded but brushed it off and texted her back.

"I'll see you in a few hours. I love you too :*"

I put my phone back in my jacket pocket ready for this class to be over. It was so boring without Alice here. The rest of the day flew by, and it was finally lunch time and I was starving. Noticing that the Cullen table was empty I went to my table as soon as I spotted all my friends. I sat down between Tyler and Eric while they were arguing about who was going to be a better BatMan at tomorrow nights Halloween party.

"Why does everything have to be a competition between you two?" I ask chuckling while munching down on a bag of chips.

"Because they're guys Bella, that's what they do best." Jessica answered my question laughing as well.

"Hey, not all guys are like that. At least not all the time." Mike did have a point, but not when it came to these two.

"Are you coming tomorrow night Bella?" Angela asked as I was shoving chips in my mouth. I quickly shook my head no before anyone could look at me for my answer.

"Oh come on Bella. You're such a hermit crab, you need to get out more." And there it goes, why were all my friends always on my case about going out. I go out... Sometimes.

"I don't even have a costume guys! So I can't go." I looked over at Eric who slammed his hand down on the table with a look of discovery on his face.

"I've got it!" This was not was I was planning when I said that. I gave him a skeptical look, and then looked to Angela for help. But she did the exact opposite by asking what was up his sleeve.

"What is it?" She had a devilish smile on her face while she was looking at me. Sometimes Angela could be the worst.

"You can wear one of my suits and go as James Bond. Duh!"

"That is a perfect idea Bella! You're basically the same size as Eric anyways, so it would have to be fitted to you." Jessica chimed in, which I did not need.

"Plus you got that whole lesbian thing going for you anyways, so there it's all worked out!" And Mike was defiantly not making this any better.

I looked around at my friends as they were waiting for my answer, knowing that even if I didn't agree it still wouldn't end in my favor.

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