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Bella's POV

After Alice left, I decided to call it a night. It was really late, plus I had school in the morning. I headed up stairs, took a shower and got my bag ready for tomorrow morning. I laid down, thinking about the night I just spent with Alice. I knew I had feelings for her that I couldn't explain, not even to myself.

The hard part is trying to figure out if she has feelings for me. It was so hard to tell. The way she looked at me sometimes, makes me feel like she's staring right into my soul. I knew if I kept thinking about it I would never get any sleep. Although she was all I dreamt about that night, I forced her out of my thoughts until I fell asleep.

Alice's POV

When I got home all the lights were on, which meant that everyone was home. Instead of hunting like I thought they would be. I got inside and ran up to my room before anyone could stop me and ask how my 'study date' with Bella went. I made an extra effort to avoid Jasper on the way in. When we adopted Jasper into the family, I knew he had feelings for me. I just didn't feel the same way for him. And I told him that when we shared our first kiss.

He took it better than I thought, but since I've started to get close to Bella he's been acting really weird. And his temper was even worse, he would snap on anyone for the smallest things. Everyone knew why, the others just never said anything about it. And I didn't really feel comfortable talking to him about it either. He knows the way I feel about him. He's like a little brother to me.

A vision of Bella asleep on her bed interrupted my thoughts. I jumped out of my window and ran back to her house. I climbed the tree that was on the side of her house that was right beside her window. I checked to see if it was unlocked, and to my satisfaction it was.

I climbed in the dark room, walking quietly across the floor. She was so beautiful when she was sleep, and she had the most adorable little snore ever. I had never heard it before tonight though. She must be really tired, we were talking for a really long time. Lightly brushing away some hair out of her face, she turned over on her side. I thought she was about to wake up, but she just started snoring again.

I walked around her room looking at the pictures of her mom and some of her old friends from Phoenix.


I heard Bella's voice call my name. I froze right where I was, running towards the window to jump out.

"Alice I-"

I heard her say my name again. Is she talking in her sleep? Did she just say my name in her sleep?! A huge smile came across my face and I got the weirdest feeling in my chest. I turned back around to see Bella still sleeping under her covers. She's dreaming about me! I walked over to the side of her bed and sat beside her. Her bed dipped in a little bit where I sat down, but not enough to wake her.

"Alice please." She whimpered.

I wanted so badly to hold her in my arms and tell her that I'm right here. That everything is going to be ok, and that I wasn't leaving her side no matter what. A tear dropped from her eye and I quickly whipped it away.

"Im right here Bella. Everything going to be okay my angel." I said in such a low whisper that it almost didn't come out. I kissed her forehead and she instantly relaxed and started snoring again.

This is one of those moments where I wish I had Edwards power to read minds. I just want to see what she could possibly be dreaming about saying my name like that. I spent the rest of the night beside Bella watching her sleep till dawn came. Kissing her forehead one last time before I left out of her window, I hopped out and went home.

Bella's POV

The next morning I woke up to the smell of something burning.

"What the hell is that?"

I go down stairs to find Charlie fanning at the smoke detector and a burning pot on the stove.

"Umm, Charlie what are you doing?" I say standing there laughing at his red face. I'm guessing embarrassed at the fact that he was trying to cook and completely failed.

"I thought I'd give you a break on all the cooking you've been doing. But I guess theres an obvious reason why you do all the cooking huh?" He chuckled a little it at the end.

"Umm yeah I guess there is." I say laughing at him.

"Well I'll take care of this, I have a little time before i have to get to school anyways."

"You sure?" He asked with a guilty look on his face.

"Yeah, I'm sure."

I walk over to the stove and try and see how much damage he's done. Theres absolutely no way I can make this better. I throw out whatever was in the pot and start over completely. I cook eggs and bacon, with some hash browns.

I set down Charlie's plate right as he came into the kitchen.

"Thanks Bells." He said with a small smile.

"No problem. I'm gonna go get ready for school." Rushing upstairs only having 40 minutes to get ready, I look at my phone to see a text from Alice.

"Hey, Hope you slept well last night. Can't wait to see you at school. Hope you're ready for Saturday ;)"

I smile to myself and get ready for school. Surprisingly I made it on time just as the bell rang for first period. I got to class to see Alice in her usual seat smiling at me as soon as I walk into class. Man I love the way she looks at me. I sit down and our teacher starts talking about a class trip. But before I could here him say where, my phone vibrates in my pocket.

"Hey, you're coming to the party tomorrow right?"

My face dropped a little bit to find it was only Jessica. I forgot she even put here number in my phone, I answer quickly not wanting to hold full conversation with her.

"Yeah." I put my phone back in my pocket and go back to listening to my teacher.

The rest of the day flew by and I was finally home. I wanted today to be over already, I just wanted to see Alice again. Charlie ordered take out and we ate in silence. I told Charlie goodnight and went to bed early so tomorrow would come faster.

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