Settling In

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Alice's POV

It's been a couple months since the party, and so far things with me and Bella have been perfect. Although her dad is a little out off about our relationship, he still treats me as if I was his own daughter.

Things with my family haven't been the best. Edward and Esme seem to be the only ones ok with me being with Bella and not with Jasper. I guess I can't blame them for being upset with me for hurting Jasper. At a time I thought I really did love him. But I never loved him like I love Bella.

The feelings I have for her are like no other. This isn't a feeling I've ever had with anyone. I feel terrible for hurting Jasper, but I can't help the way I feel. Being with Bella is like flying, when I'm with her I get this intoxicating feeling like floating all the time. Corny I know.

"There's a good Thai place down the street if you're in the mood for that."

Bella had been spending more time at my apartment. We are currently in the middle of a trial run to see if it would be a good idea if she move in with me after we graduate. So far it's going a little bumpy.

"Bella, I told you to pick up you dirty clothes. I'm not your maid."

I knew Bella was basically the guy in our relationship the moment we first kissed. But I honestly didn't know she was going to be as messy as one. It's going better than I had planned though. Just a few little things we have to work on an maybe we could make this work.

"I'm sorry babe. I totally forgot, and I'm getting the trash right now."

She ran into the bedroom grabbing all of her clothes off the floor throwing them into the hamper. She was actually the one to suggest we do this. She's trying her best to make sure this works.

I stand by the side of the bed putting my earring on as I watch her run out of the room so she could take the trash out. I go to the bathroom looking in the mirror making sure my outfit is exactly how I planned it to look. I hear the front door open and close along with a few stumbles down the stairs.

I couldn't help but laugh knowing it was Bella being as clumsy as ever.
Lately all she can talk about is graduation, and me making the decision to turn her. It's still a major conflict we have, but when ever she brings it up I simply tell her I'm still thinking.

I get lost in my thoughts about the whole situation and don't even hear Bella sneak up behind me.

"What are you thinking about beautiful?"

I look up to see her smiling as she laces her arms around my waist kissing my neck slowly.


Feeling her warm lips on the nape of my neck sent tingles throughout my entire body. A moan escaped my mouth as she bit and licks at my earlobe.

"If you start this we won't even make it out for dinner tonight." I said smiling turning around to face her. I lay my arms over her shoulders pulling my self up to peck her on the lips.

"I guess if you want me to stop then I gotta stop."

She buried her head in the nape of my neck pecking kisses up and down as she moves her hands down firmly cupping my butt.

"I don't want you to stop, but I also wanna go out tonight."

Lately me and Bella weren't really the going out type of couple. We usually order take out or make something different to eat every night and watch movies. Or she would teach me how to play her favorite video games.

But tonight was different, we were suppose to be going out with Edward and a girl he met when he took a trip to Italy. It would be my first time meeting her since he's been back. I honestly can't wait to meet her, she's got one hell of a test to pass with me. But it seems like he really likes her.

She seems to be the only thing he can talk about when we talk.

"Alright alright fine. I guess I'll text Edward and let him know to meet us at the restaurant then."

"Yeah that's cool. What do you think she's gonna be like?"

I wanted to know Bella's expectations of her. Although Bella has friends, it's a very small group of friends. And that mainly because Bella doesn't like people. So if Bella says she likes her, then that's something big. I turn around as she lets me go fixing my hair making sure it was perfect.

"Ugh, I don't know. Probably tall skinny, ya know. Someone that looks like they should be on a runway somewhere in another country."

I laugh shaking my head.


She disappeared out of the bathroom into the room.

"Because that's how your whole family looks. And I don't know why you spend so much time in the mirror anyways. You know that you always look perfect no matter what. You could wear a trash bag out an it would be the newest trend tomorrow."

I thought about that may or may not be true. Though Bella saw the beauty on the outside and ok the inside. To me I'll always look like the human me. Broken and used, always lost and misunderstood.

"You ok?"

Bella reappeared in the door way of the bathroom.

"Yeah I'm fine."

I shook my thoughts away putting a smile back on. I've never told Bella about my human life. It's always been a thing when after we become what we are that we forget that part. The part about being human. But not all of us forget, even though we may want to.

"Are you ready to go?"

I say sliding past her, but before I could make it all the way through she grabbed my arm.


I looked up into her eyes seeing her concern. Sometime I think about telling Bella about my past. Just so she could understand me better. Though she's the only person that truly knows me, I've never felt the need to share that part of me with anyone. Not even Jasper, and it's so weird that every time I think about everything in me tells me to just open up to her about it. But when I just think about it, it's just too painful. And even though I know Bella loves me with all her heart, I feel as though she would see me in a totally different light.

And I don't ever want that light to fade for her. Because I know that light would never fade for me. She's my life now, and I would do any and everything to protect her and make her happy.

"I'm fine baby, lets go."

I smile at her giving her a kiss on the lips to reassure her. I hate that she worries so much about me. She let go and soon we were on our way to meet Edward and his new girlfriend.

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