After Math

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Alice's POV

This isn't happening, it can't be. Did Bella really just.. I can't even think straight. There's no words to describe this. The walk back to my house felt like I was walking miles through mud. I came into the living room to find Rosalie and Emmet.


"Don't Rose, just don't ok."

I felt like I was going to break down at any moment, but the only keeping me together was the anger I feel towards Jasper. How could he just kiss me like that knowing my feelings for him, knowing I was with Bella. I went up to my room not bothering to shut the door behind me, which was a mistake.

"Alice, it was for the best. You and I both know that." I turned around to see Jasper standing there with a shit eating grin.

"No Jasper, you don't know anything. I loved her, more than I could ever love you." His face hardened frowning a bit. I knew I had hurt by what I said, but I didn't care. Not now at least.

"Alice, you and I both know she could never give you what you really needed. She's just a human, we could be so much more than you and her. I could give you so much more if you just let me. Let me show you Alice." He came closer, closer than what I'd like him to be. But this wasn't what I wanted, he wasn't what I wanted. He reached out for me but pushed him away pushing him into my bedroom wall.

"You don't get it Jasper. I don't love you! And I never will. What you did I can never forgive, ever. I loved her, and because of you she's gone." I felt tears streaming down my face finally coming to the realization of Bella actually being gone. My angel no longer being my angel. All because of Jasper.

I felt the sudden urge to rip his head from his body. And him trying to convince me that I should love him instead of Bella wasn't helping at all. My heart was breaking into a million different pieces, and it's all his fault. Bella is gone and hurt because of him, and she now thinks I no longer love her. But god she couldn't be more wrong. I had hurt her, no matter how angry she tried to look I could tell that I had broken her.

"You'll get over her Alice trust me-"

"Get out!" I sobbed not able to hold back my tears.


"Jasper if you don't get out I'm going to fucking rip your throat out." A look of horror flashed across Jaspers face along with hurt. But he left closing the door behind him.

I fell onto my bed, not completely comprehending what has just happened. All I know is that Bella is gone, my Bella that I love more than anything in the world. That I loved with all my heart. I closed my eyes letting the tears fall freely sliding off my bed to the floor. And all I could do was cry. I hadn't even heard someone come in till felt arms around me.

"It's ok Alice, everything's gonna be ok." Rose was holding me close rubbing soothing circles on my back trying to get me to clam down.

"No it's not Rose! She's gone, she hates me! And it's all my fault!"

I didn't have the strength to talk anymore, and Rose knew that. So I sat there and cried till I couldn't cry anymore. My world had just come crashing down around me.

Bella's POV

I can't think, and I don't want to. All I can see is Alice kissing Jasper, the only thing that keeps replaying in my head. My Alice kissing that fucker. By the time I got home I felt like my heart was racing a hundred miles per-hour. I need to breath, I need to get a fucking grip.

"Get ahold of your self Bella."

I sat on my porch till the sun started to go down, I looked at my phone to see a message from Angela asking if I was ok after the fall. I thought about texting her back but I knew she would just want to talk and ask what happened after she dropped me off at Alice's house. By the time I decided to go inside it was almost 8. I knew Charlie would be home soon, and I'm sure he would ask why I'm just sitting on the steps of the porch.

I go to my room getting changed into some sweats and a t-shirt not bothering to make anything for dinner. I really hope Charlie decides to order out tonight. Needing something to take my mind off of Alice before I break down completely I decide to read this novel Angela suggested to me. After a while I see me phone light up with a text from my dad.

'Hey bells, working late. Don't wait up.'

I set my phone back down not bothering to reply. I decided to call it a night, or at least try to. But the more I laid there in bed, the more I thought of her. I felt myself crying and soon after I couldn't control it anymore. I couldn't control the sobs that escapes my mouth. And though the pain was killing me, sleep consumed me.

The next morning I wake to a text from Jake.

'Hey, hope we're still on for our lunch date.'

I thought about saying no for a few minutes, but the more I thought the more my thoughts traveled to Alice. I'm sure spending some time with Jake will help take my mind off Alice. At least for the time being.

'Yeah sure, just come by my place at 1.'

I set my phone down to look at my clock to see it was already 11. I get up and take a shower throwing on some jeans and a black V-neck. I looked to the corner of my room to see Alice's over night bag still there. The thought to take it to her came across my mind but was quickly pushed away when I heard my dad call me from down stairs. I threw her bag in the back of my closet and went down stairs grabbing my jacket keys and phone.

"Hey Bella, Jakes here." I see Jake standing at the front door talking to my dad. His smile was warm and I could tell he was happy to see me.

"Hey Jake."

"Hey Bella, you ready."

"Yup." I throw my jacket on shoving my keys and phone into my pockets.

"Where you two headed off to?" I look to Jake who looked like he was about to answer, but I beat him to it.

"Just about to go get some lunch. I'll see in a few dad."

I walk out the front door pulling Jake with me hearing my dad say not to stay out too late. I get into Jakes car ignoring his eyes.

"Soo.." I look up to see him staring at me intently.

"So what?" I ask colder than what I meant. But he just laughs and starts the car.

"So lunch date." And with that we were off.

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