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"Sure bells, mind if we go down in the living room though? I don't wanna miss the game."

"Yeah sure."

I follow him down to the living room, with my mind racing. Thinking of a million different ways this could go. He could tell me that he hated me, and never to see Alice again. He could tell me he was happy for me. He could have mixed emotions and then I would never really know his reaction to the whole situation. My palms were sweating by the time we sat down on the couch. He clicked on the tv turning to a hockey game.

"So what did you wanna talk about bells?" He wasn't looking at me, I could tell that most of his attention was on the game. Which kind of made it a little bit easier.

"Uhh, well..." I trailed off, but he still didn't look at me.

"What is it bells? The games comin on soon." Swallowing my fear, I guess it's now or never.

"Well dad... Me and Alice are together." He turned his head to look at me, and honestly that's the fastest I've seen him move since I've been here. He looked surprised, and confused. Almost like he didn't understand what I had just said.

"Together as in, dating together?"

"Yeah dad."

"Like she's your girlfriend and your hers?" He looked like he was trying to understand what he was saying.

"Yeah dad, she's my girlfriend." I say looking down at my sweaty palms in my lap.

He looked away out of the window and started to scratch his head. I couldn't really tell what he was thinking, which really bothered me, and me very nervous.

"Um, well Bella... This is a lot to take in right now." He said looking back at me.

"Are you mad?" I asked timidly still looking down at my hands.

"Do you love her?" I looked up surprised that he asked me that.

"Yeah I do." He sighed a little before he spoke again.

"And she loves you?"

"Yeah..." I trailed off trying to understand what he was trying to get at.

"Then I'm not mad Bella. I can't be mad at you for falling in love. And I'm sure as hell not going to tell you, you can't be with her. I know if my parents told me I couldn't be with your mother, I just would've tried even harder to be with her. Plus Alice is a nice girl, as long as she treats you right Bella that's all I care about. But don't think I'm going to treat this like this is any different from you being in a relationship with a boy. I want you guys to take it slow, and be careful.."

I didn't know what I was expecting when I told Charlie about me and Alice. But telling him took a lot off my chest, I was just happy to know that he approved. Not just of the fact that I'm with a girl, but with the fact that I'm with Alice. Him liking Alice probably made this a whole lot easier. The fact that he said he wouldn't treat me and Alice being together differently from me being with a boy, kind of made it obvious as to what he was trying to say. I didn't tell him it was too late for that though.

"So you're ok with it?"

"Of course I'm ok with it bells. It's gonna get some getting used to, but it's ok. Plus I gotta be honest bells, you did a good job picking this one." He chuckled looking back at the tv.

That was honestly a lot easier than I thought it would. The fact the he was ok with everything made me happy, and the fact that he liked Alice made me even happier.

"I love you dad." I say looking at him, not realizing I was now on the verge of crying. He looked back at from the tv, and saw the tears in my eyes. He pulled me into a hug, almost squeezing the life out of me.

"I love you too bells, no matter what. Never forget that." My dad didn't always show this much emotion, but I guess today was just one of those days. He finally broke away and turned back to the tv.

We sat there for a while till he ordered pizza, and ate dinner watching the game together. Even though I hated hockey, I guess it was a good bonding moment. The game was only about halfway over when I decided to head up to my room and get ready for bed. It was only 9, but I was really tired. I said goodnight to Charlie, and went up stairs to take my shower. I put my pajamas on and got my things ready for school tomorrow. Making sure to leave my window open for when Alice came. I stayed up for a while laying in bed trying not to fall asleep waiting for Alice to come. Looking over at my clock realizing it was now 11, I had been trying so hard not to fall asleep I hadn't even checked what time it was. I was just about to call and ask if she was sill come till I saw a shadow on my wall from the moonlight move.

"I didn't wake you did I?" I sat up looking at Alice from across my room as she took her shoes off and made her way over to my bed.

"No, you didn't." I say smiling, snuggling up to her under the covers as she laid next to me.

"Soo, how was it?" Smiling a little, happy to tell her that Charlie was totally fine with us.

"He was fine with it. He actually likes you." I laugh a little remembering his exact words.

"He said I did I good job picking you." I say chuckling.

"Well I'm glad I was lucky enough to be picked by you Ms.Swan." She giggled snuggling up to me kissing my cheek. We sat there for a moment till I started to hear a purring noise. And realized it was coming from Alice.

"Alice, what's that noise?"

"Oh I'm sorry. It's just a noise vampires make when they are completely relaxed or happy. Is it bothering you?" The vibrating was starting to put me to sleep.

"Don't be sorry, it's actually really comforting. And also very cute. I just didn't know you guys purred." I laughed a little.

After a while of only hearing the sound of Alice's purr, it started to put me to sleep. I tried to stay up as long as possible, but the day finally caught up to me. And I fell asleep in Alice's arms.

I dreamt of Alice that night, like I always did. But something was different this time, I was indifferent. I was running through the forest with eyes like Alice's. I was lost until I found her, we were in a meadow, sitting in a small patch of sun light with our skin glistening like diamonds. And we fell into our version of forever, that is until my alarm clock woke me up the next morning.

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