Preparing Myself

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The next morning I was woken up by my alarm. Happy to know I was going to be studying with Alice after school today, made me put a little pep in my step to get my day started even faster. I quickly took a shower got dressed and got a bagel for breakfast after telling Charlie bye. I got to school a little earlier than I expected, but it didn't bother me much. I stood by my truck talking to Angela and Mike before school started.

When the bell rang, we said our goodbyes and headed our separate ways. I was walking to class when I saw Alice at her locker with her sister. I asked myself mentally if it would be a good idea to ask if she wanted to walk to class together. But in all honesty I wasn't really sure if I wanted to, her sister scared the hell out of me. And the glare she was giving me as I walked up to them made me think she didn't too much like me either.
But I found some courage to my surprised and asked anyways.

"Uh, hey Alice. Dooo you wanna walk to class together?" I asked a little timidly staring at the ground afraid her answer would be no. Her sister scoffed and looked at me like I disgusted her. I'm not really surprised though, someone as beautiful as her and her sister should be disgusted by me. Or anyone who isn't as beautiful as them.

"I would love to Bella." She said with the biggest smile I've ever seen on anyone's face before. Her sister seemed a little annoyed at the fact that I would even ask. And even more annoyed at the fact that Alice said yes.
She said goodbye to Rosalie, turning around stringing her arm through mine as we walked to class. Rosalie looked like she was going to stab me as soon as I turned around with a slight stunned look on her face. But then turned back to disgust and anger. Trying to ignore what had just happened, I look down at the way me and Alice's arms were still latch together as we walked. I wasn't that kind of person to really show affection or be touchy all the time, but it was obvious Alice was. If it was anyone else it probably would've really bothered me, but for some reason knowing it was Alice kinda made me happy and a bit nervous at the same time.

To my surprise our teacher was actually on time today. As soon as me and Alice hit the door I took my arm away from so she could walk in first. She smiled at the gesture.

"Thank you Bella." She said with a small smile. I returned the smile and followed her to the back of the class where our seats were.

As soon as the bell rang and everyone had gotten settled into their seats, we started off the movie we were watching yesterday. Although not a lot of students were paying attention, and it didn't seem the our teacher cared. People were having small side conversations about what they would be doing this weekend. And I heard something about a party, which I'm sure Jessica will be talking about at lunch later.

Alice's POV

I sat in my seat trying to pay attention to the movie that was showing in class, but all I could think about was a way to start a conversation with Bella. Because I couldn't see if she was going to decide to start one with me or not. So I gave in..

"Bella?" She looked at me with a small smile.

"Yeah?" She asked with a whispery tone too low for anyone else to hear.

"Are we still on for out study date after school?" Emmet had teased me the night before as I tried to correct that it wasn't a study date. It was more of a study session. Letting it slip out of my mouth surprised me. Was it a study date? Did she think it was a date? Did she want it to be? Did I want it to be!?!?
Ignoring all the questions floating around in my head, I focused on Bella and what her response would be. Know that if it was no it would break my heart.

"Yeah of course. Did you wanna ride home with me?"

I thought about what my answer would be for a second, knowing how my siblings would feel about my new found friendship with a human. Although Emmet thought it was cool, no matter how many times Rosalie yelled at him for thinking that it was.
Knowing that my siblings and I all road in Emmets Jeep today, i wouldn't need Rosalie to drive my car back home.

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