Party Time?

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We got out of my car and went inside going up to my room. My mind was racing, a million thoughts crossed my mind. She set all her bags down by my desk and sat on my bed looking at her phone rolling her eyes. I guess she got a text that annoyed her or something. The party started at sun down which was only in 20 minutes. I sit down as Alice gets back up and walks over to my closet looking over my wardrobe.

"Bella, is the only color you wear black?" She asks laughing a little.

"No.. I wear white too." I say laughing a little hard.

"I hope you don't think I'm wearing that dress to the party. I like what I have on now." As I spoke she walked over to all the bags of clothes she had bought and started pulling the clothes out and setting them on my bed.

"Oh come on Bella, you can't go to a party dressed like that!!"

"I can and I will Alice. Are you going to change?" As I said that, she pulled out this short salmon colored dress. It had spaghetti straps and I could tell it would be showing a lot of cleavage. Please tell me that's what she's gonna wear.

"How bout this?" She asked holding it up against her body.

"Perfect. Now go change so we can go." She sighs and goes to the bathroom. A couple minutes later she asks me to bring her the flats she had bought to match the dress. When she opened the door, I feel like someone has just punched me in the throat. She looked amazing, more than amazing. I couldn't even describe it with words. The dress came up a little bit higher than midway up her thigh. It hugged her curves perfectly, the top half of the dress was low. Way too low, but I liked it. I'm sure at some point through out the night I would have to give her my jacket. Which I didn't mind at all.

"Well?" She asked in a questioning voice with a little smirk. She obviously knew how amazing she looked.

"You look amazing Alice." I say looking her up and down.

"Thanks Bella." She says smiling walking past me.

"Can we go now?" I ask a little inpatient.

"Yes we can go now.." She says walking past me in an up beat tone.

We climb in her car and I tell her the address Jessica sent me while I was at the mall.

"We should take a picture before we go." Alice says with a smile. I put my glasses on not really wanting to, but say yes anyways cause I know Alice would just force me to in the end.

"Alright." Alice pulls out her phone and I lean towards her side so she can snap the picture. But she turned her head so she was kissing my cheek and took the picture.

"Perfect. Even though you aren't even smiling." She says with a little irrigation clear in her voice.

Alice's POV

The drive to the party was short. It was at a beach, and by the time we got there the party was full of teenagers drinking. The music was loud and there were people dancing and grinding on each other near the bonfire. We got out of the car, I waited for Bella to walk over to my side so I could take her hand. When I did she looked down and smiled. We walked into the heart of the party, we were bumping into people jumping and goofing off. She pulled me close putting her arm around my waist.

"Bella you made it!!" A voice behind us sounded surprised but I already knew who it was. We turned around to see Mike and Jessica.

"Uhh yeah, you invited me.." Bella said looking at the both of them.

"Do you wanna go get a drink?" Mike asked. Bella looked a little reluctant to leave my side but I told her it was ok.

"It's ok Bella, I'll keep Alice company while you're gone." I looked at Jessica a little suspicious, but she didn't notice.

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