Time To Party!

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"Shots! Shots! Shots!"

By the time we got to the party, it was in full swing. People were making out on a couple of love seats, there were sweaty, drunk teenagers grinding and dancing on the dance floor. Not giving a fuck who saw them. It's not like you could see anything in this place anyways, the lights were so dim I could barely see my hand in front of my face. And the blinking lights didn't make that any better.

Tyler and Eric convinced me to drink and also take a couple hits from a bong someone had. I tried to decline seeing as how I drove, but I told myself I wouldn't get that fucked up. Shit was I wrong. We had only been here for 2 hours and I was already drunk off my ass, taking a Jell-O shot off some other girls stomach. I'm not sure this is what I had in mind as a distraction from Alice. Because it seemed like the more I drank the more I thought of her.

"Bella, you're fucking amazing! What was that.. Number five?" Mike shouted in my ear over the music as I finished the Jell-O shot.

"I don't know! Aha, maybe it was more. Who gives a fuck! I don't!" Angela looked a little concerned about the way I was acting seeing as how she was the only one from our group who wasn't drinking. She could tell my behavior was being caused by something deeper. I just pray to god she doesn't catch on and ask me about it.

"Bella are you ok?" Angela asked as she pulled my away down a hall that only had the bass of the music in the background and a couple of people making out.

"I'm great, what about you?" For some reason I couldn't help but laugh in her face when she asked. And it seemed like that was just making her even more worried.

"I think you should slow down with the shots, and the bong hits." Why was she being such a downer. It was a party, and plus it's a Saturday night. It's not like we had school tomorrow.

"Oh come on mom. I was just starting to have fun! You should loosen up too ya know." A girl from my English class walked by in a sexy nurse outfit. And I didn't know if it was my drunken state making me feel this way, but man. Why am I just now noticing how fuckin sexy she is.

"Hey." She stopped by me and Angela giving me a flirtatious smile. I licked my lips giving her my sexy smile, which seemed to grab her attention.

"Do you wanna get a drink?" She asked. And I could hear Angela scoff from beside me.

"Back off Kali she has a girlfriend." No I don't, wait do I? Oh who gives a fuck, she's probably fucking Jasper right now. In that instant anger took me over.

"Only if the drink is with you." I turned to face the girl fully giving her my undivided attention seeing as Angela hadn't scared her off yet.

"Bella what the hell! What about Alice!"

"Fuck Alice!" I couldn't take it anymore. It's not like Alice is the perfect fucking girlfriend, she's probably doing the same thing. Before I could react Angela was pulling me away from the girl outside. And me being so drunk I could barely keep my balance, putting up a fight was out of the question.

"I don't know what the hell is going on with you Bella, but you need to get a fucking grip right now." I leaned up against my truck crossing my arms. Though I'm sure Angela had her life together already, who the fuck was she to tell me to get my shit together. Last time I checked I didn't appoint her as my fucking life coach.

"What are you even talking about Ang. I'm totally fine, stop acting like my mom." I was still on my high, and being outside was not making me feel any better. I looked up at the sky and the wind blew whipping my hair in my face. And I almost fell to the ground realizing how dizzy I was, even though I was already leaning against my truck. Angela being the friend that she is balanced me back out and leaned my back again making sure I was stable.

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