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Bella's POV

"I hope she has a good sense of humor."

I look over at Alice noticing how quiet she's been since we left her apartment. I grab her hand to focus her attention on me.

"You okay?"

I glance over at her for a split second making sure I don't miss my turn on the way to the restaurant.

"I'm fine babe, I'm just thinking."

I feel her grip my hand a little harder making sure I got the point. We pull into the restaurant a few minutes later.

"Looks like they already made it here."
Alice notices as I pull into the drive way, pointing out Edwards car.

"Great, that's means we won't have to wait to order." I chuckled a little as I catch Alice roll her eyes while she got out of the car.

I make my way around the car and grab her hand as we walk into the restaurant. We were greeted by a very nice hostess who spent way too much time looking at Alice.

"Hi, how can I help you?"

I tried not to pay too much attention to the fact that he was staring right at Alice's chest more than half of the time she was talking to him.

"We're here for the party of Cullen." he takes a moment to look at his clipboard in order to find our table.

"Right this way." He gestured us into a large, beautiful dining seating area with dim lighting and smooth jazz playing in the background. Although it was just a Thai restaurant, it was actually very well put together and fancy.

I kinda figured Alice noticed my aggravation as the hostess walked us to our table. She pulled my arm around her waist while we followed behind him. Knowing that no matter what kind of mood I'm in, any kind of affection from her will make it better.

"And here we are. I'll bring you guys a couple glasses of water while you look over the menu."

Ignoring the hostess completely I greet Edward and notice a beautiful brunette sitting next to him on the other side of the booth we were seated at.

"It's good to see you Edward, I didn't think you were coming back for a while."

I shake his hand sliding into the booth next to Alice.

"Yeah, you barely talked to me while you were gone. I'm still pissed about that by the way. At least I know it was because of a very beautiful girl."

Alice laughs a little at herself looking over at Edwards date.

"Well I did say I was coming back didn't I? Couldn't leave my favorite sister in the wind now could I huh? And this beautiful lady's name is Diana. Diana this is my sister Alice and her girlfriend Bella."

Edward introduced us gesturing accordingly to both Alice and I. I politely extend my hand to her.

"It's really nice to meat you Diana."

She reached out kind of enthusiastically. When we made contact I noticed she wasn't cold at all.

"I hope he hasn't been too much of pain for you. He can be a bit too much at times I'm sure." Alice said laughing a little.

"Oh nothing I can't handle." Diana laughs along with Alice. Me and Edward look at each knowing that this was a pretty good paring already.

The rest of the dinner went smoothly with Alice and Diana getting to know each other. While me and Edward had small side conversations. I was kind of curious as to how he met Diana even though he was so against me and Alice at first.

I shook the thought off as the waitress came with our bills. To my dissatisfaction, I had to let Alice pay for our meals. Or at least mine because she just ordered a small salad and only ate a few bites. I make a mental note to look for a job tomorrow morning as we get up and head to the parking lot to say our goodbyes.

"It was really nice meeting you Diana. Hopefully you have a better time with Rosalie than I did." I say laughing kind of too hard for her to understand. Edward and Alice both look at each other laughing and rolling their eyes.

"Trust me, I've already heard enough about her. I'm a bit terrified." I hadn't noticed that Diana had kind of a thick accent. The only thing was that it didn't sound Italian. I make another mental note to actually pay attention the next time Diana tells the story about her and Edward meeting.

"It was good seeing you Edward. Esme has been begging me to come over and see this new table she got. I insisted that I already saw her get it in a vision. But she's saying it's totally different when you see it in the space. I might be swinging by soon."

I die at the idea of Esme making Alice come over just to look at a table. We say our last goodbyes as we get into our cars. The drive home with Alice was very much entertaining. She couldn't stop talking about how excited she was to go shopping with Diana and Rosalie soon. Finally someone else she can go with aside from me. I laugh at my own mental joke. I suppose a little too hard because Alice noticed.

"Hey, what are you laughing at?" I looked at her surprised that she was fully staring at me, paying no attention to her driving.

"Uhh babe, you should really pay attention to the road." I stop my chuckling as I notice a large devilish grin come across her face.

I notice she starts to pick up a little speed even though her apartment is only a few more blocks down the street.

"Okay Alice very funny. Now can you slow down please before we get pulled over." I grab ahold of the car door slightly trying to hang on. I look down at the speedometer and notice Alice is going 90 miles per hour.

"What? Do you not like going fast or something?" She laughs a little slowing down to the speed limit, slipping her hand to the back of my head to calm me down.

"Think that was just a little too fast too quick." I try and laugh off my embarrassment to not look like a total pussy in front of my girlfriend.

"It's okay to be scared Bella. I just don't understand how you could be scared going fast in this, but you drive like a fucking psycho on that bike."

For the past week Alice has been on my back about driving my bike really fast with no helmet. But it's honestly because I do always forget. I don't know if it's the fact that I always drive it when she's not around. But the fact that she can see me forgetting to wear it in her visions doesn't help my case either.

"Please tell me that wasn't you trying to make a point was it?" I laugh grabbing her hand from the back of my head pulling it around so I could kiss it.

"Maybe. Maybe if you actually wear your helmet when you go out on that death trap I won't have to make any points." She smiles her cute innocent that she always makes when she knows she's right.

"I can't stand you." I say laughing looking out the window.

"No you don't, you love me." I look back over at her and I notice she's finally looking back at the road smiling. But this time it was an actual smile. I smile that made me forget what we were even taking about.

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