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Alice's POV

The rest of the night I held Bella in my arms. I had to pretend to fall asleep so she wouldn't suspect anything. But when I heard her heart beat steady and even out to a slow pace, I knew she was sleep. She was beautiful when she slept. And I didn't want to let her go, not even when the sun started to peak through the clouds. I really wish I could've stayed so she could wake up with me still in her arms. But out of all mornings, today would be the day the sun would shine in the rainiest place in America.

Reluctantly I got up, but Bella started to search for me as a slipped out of her arms. I took the pillow I was laying on and placed it were I was in Bella's arms. She threw her arm over it snuggling into the pillow. I was jealous for a slight second that it could no longer be me in her arms. But I got dressed and found a pen and paper to leave her a note. I knew she would be looking for me when she got up. I wrote quickly on the pad of paper, knowing she would be up soon.

"Sorry Bella, I had to get home. We should probably talk about last night though. I'll see you at school tomorrow. I'll be thinking about you none stop till I see you again. :*"

I set the note next to her phone on her bed side table knowing she would see it there. I gave her a chased kiss on her lips brushing her cheek lightly. I didn't want to leave her, but I knew I had to. Or I would have to explain why my skin would be glistening like diamonds in the sunlight. I really did hate that, it made me feel utterly and completely hideous. And she would probably run away from me, screaming in terror. I just wish I could be human, for her at least.

Bella's POV

I blinked my eyes open to find myself alone in bed.

"Alice?" I called out. My heart dropped when I didn't here her beautiful voice answer back.

I sat up looking around my room finding it empty. I heard my phone vibrate on the table next to my bed. I reached over to pick it up along with a note Alice had left me. Her words burned into my brain.

"We should probably talk about last night."

That sounds really fucking bad. I thought she enjoyed it, or at least I thought she did. I know I did.. Pushing the thought to the back of my head, I folded the note up and set it back down where I found it. I looked at my phone to find a text from Jake.

"Hey Bella, it's Jake. If you're not doing anything today, we could hang out if you want. Just call me when it's good for you."

I read his text looking at my clock to see it was already noon. Must've been a late night. Having flash backs of the events that took place last night, made me want Alice again. I wanted to see her, to be near her. Even if we weren't making love again. I sighed and sent Jake a text.

"Yeah that's cool. I'll be there in an hour or so." Before I could get out of bed my phone went off again.

"Cool, see you in a bit :):):)"

I got up and took a shower. I looked out the window to see the sun shining, that was rare. I went to my closet throwing on a pair of dark blue jeans with a blue button up folding up the sleeves realizing it would be a bit warmer outside. I put on my shoes, grabbed my keys and phone and went out to my truck. Before I pulled off I sent a text to Jake letting him know I was on my way down to the reservation.

The drive didn't last long, but the fact that I had way too much on my mind made it seem like forever. I wanted to know what Alice meant when she said we should talk about last night. Was it a good thing? A bad thing? I couldn't stop racking my brain about it, not until I would see her again that is. I missed her, the feeling I got in my chest when I think about her is something I've never felt before. I don't like feeling this way, like I need her. I don't need to depend on anyone to make me happy. Especially not Alice, not after she left like that.

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