Study Date

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The first few minutes of the car ride to my house was silent. Until Alice decided to start conversation.

"So Bella, are you liking Forks so far?" She asks as she looks through her phone nonchalantly.

"Umm yeah it's pretty cool I guess. Lot of nice people. Too cold and wet though." I answer keeping my eyes on the road.

"You don't like the weather then huh?" She said giggling a little bit.

"No, not all that much. Weather was much nicer in Phoenix." I say with a small chuckle.

"I suppose it would be." She says laughing a little.

The rest of the way home was quiet, but not and awkward quiet. A couple minutes later we pulled into my drive way and hopped out of my truck making our way up to my front door. I fumble for my keys a little until I get it right. We walk in as Alice takes in the house a little at a time.

"Umm, no ones home. My rooms up stairs if you wanna study up there." I say closing the door walking up behind her a little. She turned around and our faces were close, closer than than friends faces should be. But God she smelt so good. In that instant I felt the urge to grab her face and kiss her. But I pushed the feeling as far down as possible stepping back a bit. A look of saddens crossed her face but was then replaced with a small smile.

"Yeah, we can study there."

I passed her walking up the stairs walking into my room. I got my laptop from my desk and set it on my bed along with a notebook and a pen so I could do research for our paper. Alice sat on my bed looking a bit too comfortable for it to be her first time in my room. She pulled out a notebook and a pencil.

"Should we get started?" She said with a smile.

"Yeah I guess." I say with a chuckle looking down.

Time flew by and before I knew we had all the information we needed for our paper. It was still pretty early though, and I remembered Charlie wouldn't be home till late tonight.

"Since you did most of the researching I can write the paper and then e-mail it to you so you can look over it." Alice said looking up at me from her notes.

"Yeah sure that's cool."

"Can I ask you something?" She asked with a curious deep look on her face. I was kind of surprised to realize how unimportant her question was when she asked me.

"What's your favorite color?" A smile start to play at her lips.

"Uhh, what?" I asked with a confused expretion.

"What's your favorite color?" She asked again only this time she laughed a bit.

"I don't think I really have one.. Why?" I asked looking into her eyes.

"Just trying to get to know you better. What, do you not like question?" She asked with a giggle.
In all honesty I really didn't like to be asked questions. But if Alice was the one asking them I guess I didn't really mind.

"No, not really." I said timidly looking down at my hands in my lap.

"What's your favorite color?" I asked looking up at her to find she was still smiling at me.

"Go out with me." It was more of a demand then a question. But I was still surprised by what she had said. And it was obvious by my facial expretion.

"Alice.. I-I umm... What?" I didn't know what to say. I mean of course deep down I did kinda wanna go out with her. But I did t know she felt the same way.

"Go shopping with me silly. How's Saturday?" She said laughing at my obvious embarrassment. All hope of her having the same feelings as I have for her went out the window when she said that. I felt my face drop without my premission. And it was obvious she noticed.

"Oh.. Shoppings not really my thing Alice." I say in a bland tone still let down by her not really asking what I thought she meant.

"How bout this, you go shopping with me and you can ask me all the questions you want and I have to answer. Same goes for you."

I contemplated her arrangement, and thought it was fair enough. But I wanted more than to just be able to ask her questions.

"Ok, fine. But only if you go to this party everyone's been talking about. It's Saturday night, we'll already be together. Plus I hear it's gonna be really fun." I say with a smile, seeing what her answer would be clear on her face.

"That sounds fair enough. Shopping then party." She says with that huge smile I love oh so much.

Alice's POV

The rest of our study date goes by pretty smoothly with me and Bella getting to know each other a little bit better. Although I left out all the parts about me and my family being vampires. It had gotten pretty late, by now it was almost 12. And we had school tomorrow, I could tell she was getting tired. Reluctant to leave I knew I had to, I told myself that I would just sneak back after she fell asleep.
Since the first day we met I've watched her sleep every night. That seems a bit stalkerish and weird, but I loved watching her sleep. She was so beautiful and peaceful when she was sleep.

"I should get going Bella, it's pretty late. And we have school tomorrow." Looking a bit sad she agreed.

"Yeah I guess you're right. Do you need a ride?" She said looking out of her bedroom window.

"Umm no it's cool, my sister and brother dropped my car off a while ago remember?" After it had gotten dark, I didn't want Bella out so late so I told Rosalie and Emmet to drop my car off for me.

"Oh yeah. Ok I guess."

She walked me outside onto her porch. We stood there for a minute before either of us said a word.

"Thanks for doing the paper with me." I say looking into her eyes. She looked back at me with a longing look in her eyes. And in that moment all I wanted to do was wrap my arms around her neck and kiss her passionately. She was so beautiful, and I felt like her beautiful pink lips were just telling me to kiss them. And I wanted to so bad.

"No problem Alice, it was fun." She said with a small smile with our eyes still locked.
Not knowing what else to do, I step closer to her reach up and give her a light hug. But before I could pull away she laced her arms around my waist and pull me closer closing the space between us. I tightened my grip on her just a bit and she did the same.
She had to have feelings for me, either that or she hugs all of her friends like this.

"I'll see you tomorrow at school Bella." I whisper in her ear before letting go. She was slow to let go, which gave me a hint that she didn't really want to.

"I'll see you tomorrow Alice." she said with a small smile. But I knew she wanted to say more, it looked like she was having an internal battle with herself trying to figure out if she wanted to say what was on her mind or not. Not wanting to push it, I ignore it.
As my arms fell Bella caught my hand and held it in hers for a moment as we said goodbye. She defiantly had to have feelings for me. Slowly backing away not wanting to let got of her hand, our grip on each slipped away as I stepped back and walked to my car. When I got in my car Bella was still standing on her porch, she was so beautiful and most of all sexy. I don't think I've ever felt this way for anyone in my entire life. I started my car and gave Bella a little wave goodbye. She returned it and walked into her house.

'I want her so fucking bad' I whisper to myself in the privacy of my car. The entire drive home all I could think about was Bella, and her lips that I wanted to kiss so bad.

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