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Bella's POV


"Geez Alice I'm fine." In all actuality, I'm not fine at all. Alice was by my side the instant I hit the ice. I felt a throb in my head from falling and it hurt like hell. I sat up with the help of Alice.

"Oh my god Bella, you're bleeding." I lightly placed my fingers in the back of my head where I felt the pain. When I pulled them back they were stained with my blood. The smell of metal filling the air.

God I hate the sight of blood, even the smell of it. I started to feel really dizzy and a bit sick. The room started to spin as I tried to get to my feet.

"I'm fine Alice. Just a little blood. Are you ok?"

I was finding it hard to stand still, and my legs felt like jello under all my weight. But with the help of Alice supporting me it was a bit easier.

"Bella you're the one bleeding , not me."

"What the hell happened?" Angela and Eric were at my side by the time I was on my feet.

"I just fell."

"Bella, you're bleeding. You didn't just fall. We need to get her to the hospital."

"I don't need to go to the hospital..."

"My dad is home, we can take her to my house."

"Alright let's go."

The thought of going to Alice's house put me on edge. On the car ride there I was worried about Alice and what my blood might be doing to her, but it seemed like it didn't bother her at all. She was actually holding a towel to the back of my head trying to get the bleeding to stop. It took us all of 20 minutes to make it to Alice's house. Alice offered for Eric and Angela to come in, but I'm guessing they were as nervous as I was. Because they decided to leave after they dropped us off and knew I was ok.

Alice helped me up the stairs to her porch and led us through a glass door. For her and her family to be vampires, they have a very open and light house. Not something I was really expecting.

"Carlisle." She called her fathers name leading us down a hallway.

"In here." I heard a voice call back as we entered a large room with a glass wall on the left as we came in, and a wall length book case behind a large metal glass desk.

"She hit her head, the bleeding stopped but it looks pretty bad." I turned my head to see a very pale man with blond hair and bight topaz eyes.

"Here." He pointed to a chair in front of his desk and he went to a set of cabinets on the other side of the room, pulling out supplies. I looked at Alice who had a worried hurt look. I gave her a week smile to try and reassure her. Though she smiled back it didn't seem like it helped at all.

"How did this happen?" He came back removing the towel from my head Alice had been holding there.

"She fell when we were ice skating." Alice's expression as she said this was one of guilt. And I grabbed her hand in mine giving it a light squeeze. She retuned the gesture, but I could tell she still felt terrible.

Carlisle worked on my head with Alice at my side. He asked me a couple question trying to keep my mind off the pain, which worked at times. But the smell of the blood still made me feel queasy. He was almost done when there was a light knock on the door, but didn't wait for a response.

"Alice may I talk to you for a moment?" It was jasper, with his pained look he always had. Only this time something was different about him.

"Nows not really a good time Jasper." Alice's voice sounded strange. Something I had never heard from her before and it made me worry.

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