You Too!?

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Bella's POV

Driving to school the next day I had a lot to think about. I mean, what the hell could I think about. What Alice told me last night, how she showed me. I had so many questions to ask her, but before I could even start Charlie came home. Alice took that as her time to go home, even though Charlie said she could stay. I think it was more of the fact that she just wanted me to take it all in, on my own. Deep down I think that's what I actually needed anyways.

Charlie had told me that his trip over to the next county had been pushed up earlier. He left this morning telling me he would be back on Thursday, which meant I basically had 3 days to mentally prepare myself to tell my father that his only daughter is dating a girl. Shaking the thought from my head I pull into the school parking lot, spotting a spot next to Angela's car. Thankfully Jessica wasn't early this morning, Mike on the other hand was. Although he hasn't tried to make any conversation with me since the night of the party, thankfully neither has Jessica. I hopped out of my car throwing my back pack over my shoulder as Angela and Eric greeted me. Mike left as soon as he saw me, finding another group of people to talk to I guess.

"Hey Bella, how was your weekend?" Angela was so warm, she always made me smile. And aside from Eric she was basically my only real friend.

"It was a weekend I guess. What about yours?" She smiled and her and Eric looked at each other laughing.

"What am I missing?" I ask smiling squinting at them, trying to understand their silent conversation. They looked at me and grabbed each other's hand.

"Wait, are you guys really?" I smiled at them. I was so happy, they really did make a cute couple. I kind of always knew they had feelings for each other, it wasn't that hard to tell. It was just a matter of Eric finding the guts to ask her out, and I guess he finally did.

"Yes we are." Angela answered back with a giddy smile looking back at him.

"Oh my god, Angela I'm so happy for you guys!" She stretched out to give me a hug and I happily responded.

"Yeah, it took him long enough." She said laughing letting go lacing her arm through his.

"Hey, it wasn't that easy ok." He laughed and looked at the ground with red cheeks.

I noticed Edwards silver Volvo pull into the parking lot along with Emmets jeep, which meant Alice washere. A smile started to widen on my face as I saw her jump out of her brothers Jeep and walk over to me. I felt Angela's eyes on me as she followed my gaze. I guess now would be a good time to tell her.

"Hey guys." Alice greeted us cheerfully. She is always in such a good mood, even in the morning. I honestly don't know how she does it. She's even happy when we are in class, no one is happy when they have to listen to a teacher talk about how to put a matrix into a calculator. Probably cause she's a fucking genius. I guess one of the perks of being a vampire.

"Hey Alice, what's going on?" Eric greeted her with a smile, as did Angela. But I could tell Angela was trying to put the puzzle pieces together in her head by the way she was looking back and forth between me and Alice.

"Nothing, just dreading Monday's as always." She smiled and made her way over to stand next to me.

"I gotta tell you guys something." I say looking at Alice, I think she knew what I was about to do because a huge smile came across her face and her eyes lit up so bright. Her eyes are honestly the most beautiful things in the world, aside from her of course.

"Tell us what?" Angela didn't look as confused as Eric, probably because she already knew what I was going to say.

"Well me.. And Alice, are kind of... Well, we're dating." I smile lacing my fingers through Alice's as I squeeze them waiting for their reactions.

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