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After nearly six years of higher education, I know how to push through blocks.

But not with Mercy on this ill-advised remind Hero of Josephine mission.

Titan's empty room is between us—after what happened there, nobody wants it—but her music still makes it through my wall.

Hole bounces around my walls.

Josephine's favorite band.

The one that makes me think of her.

That grabs onto my heart and refuses to let go.

I'm not going there. I'm not getting lost in memories of my ex.

She left.

She broke me.

She doesn't get to fuck up my last final.

She doesn't get a place in my thoughts.

I need away from this. I need to be someplace where I can breathe.

A knock on the door cuts through the music.

"Hero." Mercy knocks again. "I'm coming in." She turns the handle and steps inside. "Hey." Her dark eyes fix on me. "Are you really wearing that?"

"What about I have to study is unclear to you?" I ask.

She folds her arms over her chest. "You are coming. So how about we can skip this whole no, I don't want to go. I can't see her. It will hurt too much step?"

I shake my head.

"You're going to regret sitting this out."

"Carpe diem. That's your argument?"

"Well, yeah." She taps her fingers against her upper arm. "Carpe diem."


"Are you going to sit on your ass moping all night?"

I motion to my back pack. She can call it what she wants. I'm spending the night mastering this material.

This is my last normal final.

The end of my second year of med school.

Nothing is getting in the way of that.

Least of all the woman who didn't respect me enough to explain why she left.

"Ugh, you're so... what is it? Death conquers all." She refers to the Latin tattoo on my hip.

"It does."

"Yeah, but, why think about it all the time?"

"I'm gonna be a doctor."

"If I thought that was why you got it, I wouldn't care."

"You'd rather run from what happened?"

"No, but... why dwell?"

That wasn't dwelling. It was how I made sense of everything. But Mercy was too young to understand. Our parents shielded her too much. "You're not leaving without dinner."

"I'm eighteen, not eight."

"Even so."

"It's a party. They'll have food."

"Vegetarian food?"

"Is Katherine going to neglect to feed her sister?"

Yeah, probably. Josephine's sister is a lot of things, but considerate of dietary restrictions isn't high on the list. "Eat something."

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