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We're quiet on the drive to Blick.

While we pick out supplies.

As we get back in the car and head toward Corona Del Mar.

Hero parks in front of a massive mansion.

The grunge song pouring from the speakers ceases as he turns off the radio.

I step outside. Let the faint roar of the ocean fill my ears.

Mmm. Soft breeze. Smell of salt. Gorgeous house that screams Orange County Royalty.

Hero may be an obnoxious sports bro, but he's got nice accommodations.

His parents', I guess.

Unless he's one of those trust fund kids with enough money for his own house.

But then what twenty-one-year-old college student buys a house like this?

"A house on the beach." I hug my messenger bag to my shoulder. "It suits you."

He's got that California boy vibe.

His hair is always wet in lecture.

From swim practice.

Not that I've been watching him all semester or anything.

"It's not on the beach." He points to the rows of houses between here and the cliff side above the beach.

"Same difference."

"Million-dollar difference." He slams the driver's side door closed. Taps the key fob to lock the door. "You should hear my dad's complaints." He raises his voice an octave. Adopts a vaguely irritated tone. "Hero, really, we made mistakes with the market. We took the wrong bet. All because your mother wanted a pool. And when has anyone every used it?"

For a second, hurt creeps into his expression.

Then he blinks and it's gone.

Maybe he's not the sports bro he is in my head.

Maybe he's an actual human being with feelings.

But that doesn't excuse that whole I'm entitled to stare at your tits bullshit.

Even if I like the way his gaze sets me on fire.

Even if—

Wait. "You have a pool?"

"Yeah." His lips curl into a half smile. "You want to see it?"

"Okay." I press my lips together. I'm not getting excited. Not when he's all cool and aloof and untouchable.

Hero slides his keys into the deep red door, pushes it open, motions after you.

"Thanks." I step inside. Inhale deeply. Exhale slowly. This house is insane. The airy foyer is gorgeous. And the pristine white and glass living room behind it is even better. "This is a nice place."

"Thanks." He moves into the kitchen. Pulls the refrigerator door open.

"You want something to drink?"

"It's five thirty."

"Some people party hard."


He nods.

"And you?"

He stares back at me. What do you think?

I don't know. He's not what I thought. But then I'm not sure what he is.

"You're fucking with me?"

"A little." He half-smiles.

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