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One minute, I'm sitting in the hair and makeup chair insisting on a light touch. The next, I'm watching my sister change into her ivory dress.

This is actually happening.

A tear catches on my lashes.

It's just me and my older sister.

No weird frost.

No baggage.

No ocean of things unsaid.

"You look so pretty." I wipe a tear with my thumb.

"Jo, don't." Her lip trembles. "This is why I insisted Mom find someplace else."

"I know, but—" I blink and my eyes go blurry. Katherine is really getting married. She's really grown-up. She's really starting a life with someone.

"You just look so pretty."

She blinks back a tear. "You think he'll like it?"

"He'll love it. He loves you."

"Are we as obnoxious as I think we are?"

"Yeah. But it's perfect."

"You better stop crying."

"I'll try."

She smiles. "Try harder."

I DO my best to hold back.

I manage all through our prep.

I keep my sister calm with a long, long conversation about The Philadelphia Story, then another about Bringing Up Baby.

I hold it together for as long as I can.

The second Katherine steps onto the sand and stares into Jer's eyes, I lose it.

I test the limits of my waterproof mascara.

It's beautiful, seeing all that love pour between them.

Seeing their guard down.

Their hearts full.

Their trust complete.

That's what I want for her.

And for me.

"YOU KNOW what they say about weddings?" Zack slides into the seat next to mine and offers me a glass of champagne.

"What?" I take a long sip of bubbly. It's utterly effervescent. Joy in liquid form. Exactly what I need to help me float down from this cloud.

It's been two hours of pictures and thank yous.

This is it. The cake is out. The dance floor is pumping. Katherine and Jeremiah are swaying like high school kids at prom.

My work here is done.

"You gotta go stag so you can bag a bridesmaid."

I can't help but laugh. "That's your strategy?"

"Nah, Jo. With you, I'd never use a strategy." He leans down to plant a kiss on my hand. "You deserve better."

"You'd take your brother's sloppy seconds?"

"Don't tell me you already—"

"No." My gaze shifts to Hero. He's sitting across from us, sharing a piece of chocolate cake with Mercy. Watching us. He and Mercy are doing nothing to hide how much they're watching us.

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