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We drive to a spot everyone calls Top of the World.

There's probably a Top of the World in every county. Ours is at the top of a winding road just off the freeway that takes us from The Irvine Spectrum to Laguna Beach.

The entire place hums with electricity.

There's some sort of power plant at the top of the hill. But it's closed.

Walled off. Empty.

The people here are here for the view.

Or the privacy.

Tonight, we're the only car parked on the gravel. We're alone.

Hero rolls the windows down.

Lets the cool air of sunset flow into the car.

It's beautiful. Streaks of red bleed across the orange sky. They cast the rows and rows of houses in a heavenly glow.

The beach is to our left. All I can see of it is the ocean, but, God, it goes forever.

It's beautiful in the sunset. Like something out of an old movie.

The scene where the lovers confess their feelings.

Then they kiss.

And a train goes through a tunnel.

Or a boat whizzes by and splashes them with water.

Or a door slams shut and frames them in silhouette.

Old movies are full of visual cues for sex. They couldn't show anything, so they had to hint at it.

Hero reaches over the center console. Takes my hand. "What are you thinking, baby?"

My laugh breaks up the tension in my jaw. "Penetration."



"You stopping there?"


"Cock tease."

"You like it."

His smile gets wicked. He rolls onto his side. Stares into my eyes with all the love in the world. "What about penetration?"

"Katherine and I were watching North by Northwest. After the main characters kissed, the train goes through a tunnel."


"That's Hitchcock you're talking about."

He raises a brow.


He nods to the collection of CDs sitting on the passenger seat floor. The one I made for him.

Reminding me of my pretentious taste in music.

Okay, maybe it was a bit much, burning several dozen CDs for Hero.

Especially when his car has an AUX port.

But—"That was my way of showing love."

"I get that. Now."

"At the time?"

"Didn't know what to think." He rubs the space between my thumb and forefinger with his thumb. "You okay?"

No. But it feels too good holding onto this. I need some normalcy before I turn my life upside down. "I will be."

"Baby, you're scaring me."

"It's not bad." I think. I hope. God, I really, really hope he sees it the same way I do. "I'm just tired."

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