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The gears in my brain grind to a halt.

It doesn't make any fucking sense.

And it makes all the sense in the world.

Looking back, it's obvious.

As clear as day.

The real question is how the hell I missed it again.

When I finally manage to move, I go straight to my cell.

Get her voicemail.

"Hey, you've reached Josephine Langford. I'm not here right now, and honestly, I probably won't check this. Text instead. And don't even think about uttering the words 'Hey there, Josephine' if you want a return call."

The same message.

The one she had the day I met her.

The day she left.

When I close my eyes, I see it. The note lying on the kitchen table.

Her usually neat handwriting a shaky mess.

Her signature a tiny, erratic line.

Like she was trying to take up as little space as possible.

I try to move backward. To see the weeks before that. The signs.

But I can't.

Only that last morning.

The look in her eyes when she said goodbye.

The one that's been haunting me for seven hundred fucking days.

A mix of peace and regret.

Then the one I saw twenty minutes ago.

Her heart breaking.


I'm not using passive voice here.

Her heart didn't break.

I broke it.

She may want nothing to do with me.

But I'm not letting her shoulder this anymore.

Not alone.

BROKEN (Herophine Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora