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"Fuck, baby, you look good enough to eat." Hero motions come here.

When I do, he pulls me into his arms and spins me. Actually spins me.

My chest gets light.

My stomach flutters.

The delicious rush of anticipation spreads through my limbs.

Then he sets me down and it turns to something else. Something messy.

Something screaming you have to tell him.

I swallow it down.

Stare up into those soulful green eyes.

They're filled with all this trust.

Trust I desperately want to deserve.

"Thanks." My cheeks flush. My libido is utterly disinterested in my concerns. It's still begging for Hero.

He looks good in his tank and shorts, towel hanging over his shoulder.

Like a California Boy who spends every free day in the surf.

His smile spreads wider as he hands me a towel.

I hug my tote bag—the one full of stuff from his closet, the stuff I left at our apartment, the stuff he's been holding onto for two years—to my shoulder. "You ready to go?"

He nods and leads me to the door. "Bye, Mercy!"

"Bye!" she calls from her room.

I step onto the familiar stone path. Then the sidewalk.

This neighborhood is beautiful. Big multimillion-dollar mansions. Half are the classic Spanish style houses you see everywhere in southern California. The rest are trendy, modern things.

All windows and glass.

"I bet you want to move in." Hero nods to the modern house on the corner. It's a huge square with a wall of windows and a tiny rectangular pool.

I do. "Am I that obvious?"

"Yeah." He pulls me closer. Looks both ways before leading me into the street. "I still have the Lichtenstein posters from our living room."

"That was modern half a century ago. It's retro now."

He arches a brow.

"Okay, I do like it." The house is gorgeous and sleek. It's perfect. "But I'm not adopting some sci-fi style."

"Style doesn't matter. Clothes are optional." He steps forward. Turns around so he's facing me. Walking backward.


He shakes his head. "We're gonna live in my bed."


He nods.

It's a nice fantasy. A perfect fantasy, actually. What could be better than living in Hero's bed? "Your medical career?"

"Less important."

"My photography?"

"I'd never get in your way, Jo."


"I'll be your muse." His smile spreads over his cheeks. "If I'm not already."

"In your dreams."

He arches a brow. "Not sure. Those pics—"

"You think you're the first guy I've photographed half naked?"


He kinda is. I mean, if you don't count workshops. Even so, I shrug.

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