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Josephine steps out of the stall in a long, turquoise dress. It's a flowing fabric, the kind of thing that belongs on a windswept beach.

She pulls her hair into her hand. Pins it behind her head in some approximation of an updo.

Shows off her graceful neck.

"This is not my color." She spins on her heels, checking out her ass in the three-panel mirror on the wall. Her eyes meet mine as she turns back to me. "Let me guess. Your tits look great."

They do.

She laughs. "Nailed it." Her gaze shifts to the mirror. "Slutty great or just great?"

"Just great," Mercy says.

"How much does Hero like it?" Josephine asks.

Mercy laughs. "Is that your gauge?"

It's not inaccurate.

Her eyes meet mine. They bore into mine.

"Well?" she asks.

The intensity in her stare sets me on fire.

It's like she's daring me to undress her.

"It's acceptable," she says.

"Just acceptable?" Mercy asks.

"Yeah." Her gaze shifts to her reflection. "I guess I can't be too picky.

The wedding is tomorrow."

"You want me to send a pic to Katherine?" Mercy brandishes her cell.

"No. This isn't it." Josephine spins on her heels as she turns and marches back into the dressing room.

There are a dozen other options in there—she and Mercy grabbed every decent hot pink or turquoise dress in the entire store.

Eleven to go.

Usually, I hate getting dragged on shopping trips. Especially during Mercy's I'm going to spend all of Mom and Dad's money, that will teach them to ignore me phase.

But this...

I'm buzzing.

I want to help her. Protect her. Soothe her.

Mercy leans back in her chair. She lowers her voice to a whisper. "She has the same look you do."

"Which is?"

"She's wondering if you like her."

"Isn't that obvious?"

"Believe it or not, you're pretty hard to read." She mimes zip it as she motions to the dressing stall door.

Josephine steps into the main area in a hot pink dress. It's a short satin thing with a huge bow. "I'm an eighties prom nightmare."

Mercy laughs. "You could go toe to toe with Madonna."

"I'm only showing you this because I love you." She spins and blows my sister a kiss. Her cheeks flush as her eyes meet mine.

The words hang in the air.

I love you.

It's like before.

Like we're still together.

My body has no clue it's been two years.

It's still tuned to her.

Josephine's posture stays shy as she disappears into the dressing stall.

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