Part 7

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As the wind picked up, a swirl of sand carpeted the room, mingling with the shattered glass from the window. In a desperate attempt to shield herself from the elements, Khumo rushed to pull a cardboard sheet over the opening. She knew she needed to leave immediately, to escape the suffocating memories that lingered in that place.

"No! No!", She shouted.

In a rush of panic, Khumo darted towards the window as the sandstorm began to take shape outside. With swift movements, she reached for a nearby piece of cardboard, desperately trying to shield herself from the imminent storm. The swirling sand reminded her of the chaos within her own heart, stirred up by the bitter memories of her mother's dreams.

The urgency to leave the place overwhelmed her, knowing that staying any longer would only deepen the emotional wounds. She yearned to escape the suffocating atmosphere, hoping that the station would offer a more peaceful respite than the confined cabin.

As she hurriedly made her way towards the station, she couldn't help but pause by her mother's notebook, the object that had brought back a flood of emotions. She hesitated for a moment, recognizing the significance it held in her journey, far more than any physical memento ever could. In a decisive moment, she picked up the notebook, cradling it close to her chest.

Khumo struggled to catch her breath, her chest heaving with exhaustion after the grueling climb. The unforgiving desert wind lashed at her face, carrying stinging sand that forced her to squeeze her eyes shut. The swirling grit created an eerie veil, leaving her feeling disoriented and vulnerable.

Lost and disheartened, she found herself at an impasse, unsure of which direction to take. Every step seemed to lead her further into an endless expanse of sun-scorched dunes. The weight of hopelessness bore down on her like the relentless sun overhead.

As the wind howled, its force pushed against her, causing her to stumble and collapse onto the shifting sand. Each attempt to rise felt like an uphill battle against an invisible force determined to keep her down.

Her gaze involuntarily turned back towards the faint silhouette of her home, but the swirling mists of sand obscured any clear view. Khumo hesitated to get up as she turned back to see the silhouette of the home, but the soils' mist had enveloped her, she could only move forward.

Khumo crawled on all fours, her fingers clawing at the sun-baked ground, desperate to reach her bag and find her goggles. The scorching plates of sand radiated heat beneath her palms, making each movement agonizing. The relentless sun bore down on her, intensifying the sweltering air around her.

With determination, she pressed on, ignoring the discomfort and pressing forward amidst the eroded landscape. Her heart pounded in her chest, matching the rhythm of the sandstorm that howled around her.

But the strain on her joints became unbearable, and she had to halt, her forehead colliding with the rough surface of a rock face. It wasn't as towering as the other monoliths scattered across the desert, but it provided a welcome respite.

Gasping for breath, Khumo seized the opportunity to fumble through her bag, her fingers finally closing around a cloth and her much-needed goggles.

The sandstorm raged on, its fury threatening to strip everything in its path. With trembling hands, Khumo donned the goggles, shielding her eyes from the relentless assault of sand. The cloth wrapped around her face provided some relief from the choking dust, but the grit still found its way into every crevice.

As the wind finally started to relent, Khumo took a moment to catch her breath. Her lungs still burned from the harsh climb, but the respite allowed her to check her position on watch. Squinting through the settled snowfall, she surveyed her surroundings, realizing that she was in an unfamiliar territory. The severe radiation and relentless storm had rendered most of her navigation tools useless, leaving her to rely solely on the compass, which needed frequent recalibration due to the magnetic interference.

In the distance, she spotted a patchwork of hilly terrain, and a glimmer of hope sparked within her. Perhaps ascending one of those hills would provide her with a better vantage point to assess her location and identify any recognizable landmarks.

Summoning her resolve, Khumo tightened the straps on her backpack and trudged through the tan snow toward the nearest hill. Each step felt heavy, and the biting heat of the sun seeped through her clothing, but the urgency of her situation pushed her forward.

As she climbed the incline, the view gradually expanded before her. The landscape below looked both beautiful and foreboding, with vast stretches of tan snow-covered land and imposing rock formations jutting out from the desert. The storm had left its mark, erasing familiar landmarks and leaving Khumo disoriented amidst this emptiness.

Cresting the hill, Khumo tried to shield her eyes from the glare of the sun reflecting off the crystalline sands. She squinted, scanning the horizon for any sign of familiarity, but the land remained unfamiliar and unwelcoming. Her heart sank, realizing that she was far from any known safe zone or shelter.

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